Code of Trapping Ethics

Code Of Trapping Ethics


1. Know and obey trapping laws and assist in their enforcement by reporting violations.

2. Improve your knowledge of furbearers, their ecology and management, and improved trapping and fur handling methods.

3. Respect landowners’ rights and make every attempt to obtain permission before trapping on private lands.

4. Be aware of other people using the outdoors and avoid interference with their activities.

5. Be aware of free-ranging domestic animals and avoid trapping where there is a high risk of catching them.

6. Know and use selective and humane trapping sets with appropriate trap types and sizes.

7. Don’t set more traps than YOU can effectively handle.

8. Cover all leghold traps set on land.

9. When trapping muskrat, always use body-gripping traps, guarded leghold traps, or drowning sets.

10. Use body-gripping traps or drowning sets with sliding locks for all beaver and otter sets.

11. Anchor traps securely enough to hold the largest potential catch.

12. Check all traps daily and as early in the day as possible.

13. Dispose of animal carcasses properly to avoid offending other people.

14. Support trapping, trapper training, and furbearer management and research.

15. Report diseased animals.

16. Make an effort to trap any areas where furbearer populations are overabundant or are creating a nuisance.

17. Know and use proper releasing and killing methods.


This Code is supported by all organized trapping organizations in New York, including the Western New York Furharvesters, Genesee Valley Trappers Association, Adirondack Chapter of Furtakers, Upper Catskill Chapter of Furtakers and the New York State Trappers Association and affiliates.

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Johnny Thorpe | Adirondack Trapper

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