New Releases for 2024

Signature Lures by North American Trapper & New Book Series

Wilderness Trapping Methods

New Book Release


| Johnny Thorpe is a name well-known to generations of trappers and fur takers across North America. His documented fur catches broke records throughout the 1960's and his pioneering exploits as a long-liner were recounted in magazines such as Fur, Fish, Game, in rousing tales that inspired many trappers, amature and pro alike. He trapped all over the country and taught many professionals his successful methods.

His status as an elder statesman of trapping was established long ago. He was inducted into the National Trapper's Hall of Fame in 1996, and was sought after as a writer right up to his last published articles for Trapper's World.

When Johnny wasn't trapping, Johnny carved wooden Indians, wildlife, and totem poles, wrote taught or was off on other adventures.


