EtherBank [EBANK]

Earn ETH with EtherBank

Your Questions Answered

Earn from your Ethereum holding with this fledgling token:  EtherBank (EBANK) is a store of ETH that pays dividends in ETH on all buy and sell transactions to all holders. 

EBANK price is pinned to ETH and is proving to be a strong profitable smart contract investment with a great community.   Token holders not only can watch their underlying investment grow, but can also earn unlimited ETH with their own unique referral link!   

Find out more below



I purchased EBANK tokens 4 days ago and it has doubled in value and paid out over 50% dividend payment in ETH already!  I couldn't be happier :-)   The community seems strong and loyal and even when the price dropped due to some whale taking profits, overall my holding was not materially affected as all holders receive dividends from the transaction...  Its a winner!  


About EtherBank

EtherBank (EBANK) tokens, launched in July 2020, are generating excitement amongst savvy cryptocurrency investors. Etherbank is a secure, transparent distributed finance application (i.e. DeFi/DAPP) in the form of a smart contract that is decentralised on the blockchain.


EtherBank tokens (EBANK) are a profitable store of Ethereum that pays out a dividend in ETH upon all transactions as well as paying a referral bonus to those that successfully bring on board new token holders.


✅ Verified Smart Contract

✅ Secure & Transparent

✅ Can Interact with etherscan directly without website

✅ Completely Decentralized and available online always

✅ Work with MetaMask, Trust Wallet, CoinBase Wallet and other Web3 Client

✅ Recognized by and many other DApp listing directories


Listed DApp Registry - - - -

Etherbank tokens (EBANK) are more than a store of Ethereum (ETH), they are a means to earn ETH!

All transactions (purchase and sale) of EtherBank tokens (EBANK) are logged and registered on the blockchain against the smart contract address:  0x815ff5e32f974862839c56f69cfd190f10e262f6 and therefore offer all token holders the flexibility and security that this provides.

The price of EBANK rises and falls with transaction activity on the smart contract. For every EBANK token buy or sell order, the EBANK Price will increase rise or fall by 0.00000001 ETH respectively. The token buy and sell price is updated in realtime on the EtherBank website and is denominated in ETH.

In addition, all EBANK holders receive dividend payments in ETH with every transaction (buy or sell) of EBANK tokens: a 10% network fee is deducted and distributed automatically from every EBANK transaction.

And, for every referral that purchases EBANK tokens from your personal referral link, you will receive 33% of the network fee in ETH as a Referral Dividend payment.

Dividend payments may be reinvested easily in EBANK or withdrawn at the press of a few buttons.


EtherBank is a DApp - a Decentralised Application.   

Decentralized Applications are open source projects that run on top of the blockchain network.  They fuel themselves through a tokenised system that uses 'Smart Contracts', which offer transparency, decentralisation and a resistance to attack.  

More information about Decentralized Applications can be found here.



How to buy EtherBank (EBANK) tokens

Before you can buy EBANK tokens, you need to have ETH (Ethereum) in a cryptocurrency wallet or on an exchange. 

If you do not have any ETH but have Bitcoin (BTC) or other cryptocurrency, you can exchange/convert this for ETH in most exchanges or within your wallet.

There is no minimum holding of EBANK, but given the upfront fees that are deducted, it probably makes sense to mobilise at least $30 worth of ETH to ensure your fees are covered.

So, ensure that you have at least $30 worth of ETH in a wallet or on an exchange.

You will need to install MetaMask as a browser extension which will connect with your EtherBank account. 

If you do not have MetaMask installed on your Chrome or Firefox browser, download it from and install it.  Take care to keep your login details safe and secure!  


To purchase EBANK tokens, you require ETH in your MetaMask Account.  Make a note of your Metamask account address which can be found by clicking BUY.  Send ETH from your cryptocurrency wallet (eg. Coinbase, Exodus, etc) to your Metamask account address to cover your planned purchase in addition to another $20 worth of ETH to fund the Gas fees (transaction fees).  

When the ETH transfer is complete, you will see your ETH appear in your MetaMask account.


Now, add an EBANK token account to your MetaMask account:

- Click Add Token at the bottom of your MetaMask screen

- Click Custom tab

- Enter the following EBANK Contract Address in the top field:  


- Click Next and then Add


You will now see an EBANK in MetaMask with a zero balance.

Click on your EtherBank referral link to set up an account with EtherBank. 

Scroll down the page a little to find this section:

EtherBank account

Bookmark this EtherBank page, as this is your EtherBank account. 

You will have a zero balance now, but a dialogue box will pop up to connect this account to Metamask.  If it doesn't, click the CONNECT TO METAMASK button.

Your EtherBank account is now connected to Metamask and ready to buy EBANK tokens.  



Staying on your EtherBank Account Page you can now purchase EBANK tokens.

Assuming you have followed steps 1-5 and have sufficient ETH in your MetaMask account, you are now ready to buy EBANK tokens from this page.

Scroll down below your account details, you will find the following section:

EtherBank account

You can only purchase EBANK tokens with ETH that is held in your MetaMask account (or other similar wallet).

Your purchase transaction will incur a transaction fee, called the Gas Fee, which will need to be covered from your MetaMask wallet in addition to the amount you are spending on EBANK tokens.  So, ensure that you are keeping some ETH (e.g. equiv $20) in your MetaMask wallet, to cover the Gas Fee of this and subsequent transactions.

The minimum purchase is 0.1 EBANK. 

To Purchase EBANK tokens:

1. Enter the amount of ETH you want to spend on EBANK tokens (in the box shown in the image above) - remember NOT to use all the ETH in your Metamask wallet, to ensure you can cover the transaction fees

2. Click the BUY TOKEN button (as identified in the image above)

3.  A Dialogue box will pop up from MetaMask with details of your requested purchase, including the Gas Fee (If you click Edit, next to the Gas Fee, you have the option to choose the speed of the transaction and the related Gas Fee).  

4. Check the proposed transaction carefully.  If you want to change something, click Reject and start again.  If you are happy with the details, click Confirm.

5.  Wait a few minutes for the transaction on the Blockchain to complete

6.  When complete, your EBANK balance will be updated with your purchase on your EtherBank account page and in your MetaMask Wallet 

7.   You can return to your EtherBank account page at any time for a real time valuation of your investment.


NOTE:  The EBANK balance valuation is based on the Sell price and following a 10% Network fee deduction and therefore will initially be around 20% lower than your investment.  This can surprise some people.  However, as the EBANK token value changes and dividends are received from the EBANK transactions of others, your EBANK token valuation (and dividend distribution) will change.  



What EBANK Token Holders should know

When you buy (and sell) EBANK tokens, a 10% network fee is deducted and distributed to all EBANK holders.  This distribution is a dividend distribution that takes place on ALL EBANK transactions and shared amongst ALL EBANK holders.  As an EBANK holder, you will now also receive dividends from these network fees.

In addition, the EBANK balance on your EtherBank account is shown based on the 'Sale Price' at any given point in time (which is approximately 10% below the Purchase Price).

Therefore, when you first purchase EBANK, the value of your holding will be around 20% below the amount your paid for it. 

Dividends are distributed to EBANK token holders in ETH with each purchase and sale of tokens under the EtherBank Smart Contract.  The value of your dividends at any point in time can be seen on your EtherBank account page and are denominated in ETH.

The Dividends remain in ETH on your account until they are either withdrawn to your ETH wallet with metamask (or similar Web3 wallet) or reinvested by converting the ETH to EBANK tokens and adding these to your EBANK token balance.

You can choose whether to withdraw these dividends in ETH or reinvest them to increase your EBANK holdings at any time.  The decision on which option to follow is dependent on timing and expectations regarding the future price of EBANK tokens and/or ETH or if you want to withdraw ETH to return seed investment or other reason.  

Those that reinvest ETH dividends, typically do so because they believe there is significant upside potential in the token price and want to increase their holdings to increase their share of the dividend pot.  However, please remember that reinvesting ETH dividends will result in 


MetaMask can only be used on Android devices, not on iOS at this time.  It is currently a beta version (in development), but is available for early access and download in it's current form.

Here's how to set it up on your Android device:

1.  Open Google Play Store on your device

2.  Search for MetaMask and install on your phone

3.  Open the MetaMask app on your phone and scroll to the bottom of the page and click "Get Started"

4.  If you already have a MetaMask Account, you can Synch and import your account to your phone ...

5.  If you are opening up a new MetaMask account, set this up by clicking the appropriate button and following the instructions

6.  When you have your MetaMask account set up, remember to keep your login details and seed words safe, as these are the only way you can access your account and any funds that you have registered here

To add EtherBank to your MetaMask account, follow the instructions to add EBANK account to Metamask




How to sell Etherbank (EBANK) tokens?

To sell EBANK tokens:

On your EtherBank account page, in the box above "Sell Tokens button, enter the amount of EBANK tokens that you want to sell.

Then click Sell Tokens. 

EtherBank will sell your tokens at the Sell Price at the time of your transaction request AND deduct a 10% Network Fee, paying you your net value of ETH to your EBANK account.  This ETH balance will be paid to your Dividends account with EtherBank and must be 'Withdrawn' as a dividend payment to completely withdraw the ETH balance of your sale proceeds to your MetaMask account.  

Each transaction within the contract, the sale and the withdrawal will also incur a Gas Fee to enable the transaction.  

Once the Tokens have been sold to release ETH as Dividends, you should see your EBANK token balance reduce in line with your sale and the dividend balance in your EtherBank account rise by the sale proceeds.  To release the ETH into your MetaMask account, click the Withdraw ETH/Dividend button below the Sell Tokens button on your EtherBank account screen and proceed to confirm the transaction in MetaMask.  Note, the balance of ETH may appear as zero, but your full dividend balance will be withdrawn to your MetaMask account.  

Once the ETH is in your MetaMask account, you will see your ETH balance rise accordingly.


This site has been created to share responses to FAQs from the growing EtherBank community, to help support the growth of the token.  The information is provided in good faith only and does NOT offer advice.  It is the responsibility of all potential purchasers of EtherBank tokens to do appropriate due diligence and gain professional investment advice to understand the risks involved in investing in any and all cryptocurrency, including EtherBank.  The value of all investments can go up and down very quickly and it is common practice to only invest funds that you can afford to potentially lose.  All actions taken on the information on this site is the full responsibilitiy of those taking action.  The experiences of the author and others quoted on this site are genuine, but may not be typical of all experiences of EBANK token holders.    The author bears no responsibility for the outcome of any actions taken upon this information. 

The author of this site is a holder of EBANK who has personally profited from investing in Etherbank in August 2020 and continues to do so (at the time of writing).  This site and the information contained on this site, is in no way connected with the founder or administration team of Etherbank.  The content is provided for reference and information only, for the benefit of potential and new holders of EBANK to help with FAQs that are regularly asked in the official Telegram group.  

Should you choose to purchase EBANK tokens from a link on this website, the author will be credited with a referral dividend in accordance with the remuneration terms of the smart contract.