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Close The Deal

A Digital business card can help close more deals and make more sales.

About Me Section

Prospects prefer to buy from those they know. Present yourself as a pro.

Sending Your Card

Sending your virtual card is easy and can be sent several different ways.

Message Templates

Add a custom or pre-made message when sending your digital business card.

Including A Messages

Message templates can be used as is or create your own.

Accessing Contact Info

Ways that prospects can save and then later access your contact info.

Template Gallery

A template gallery to quickly create digital business cards.

PWA App & Site

Prospects can access your virtual card as an app, or enable it ascacwebsitevasvwell.

Privacy Settings

Your digital business card can be hidden from search engines with a flip of a software switch

Lead Page and Card

Enable search indexing and you'll have a business card on mobile plus a lead page.

Search Indexing Option

Enable this feature if you want your virtual card in the search engines.

What Is TrenzyCard

No other digital business card offers lead capturing functionality like TrenzyCard.

Quick Connect Buttons

Enable quick connect buttons that allow prospects to contact you.

Add Buttons

Enable buttons to add more features or link to external websites.

Enable Features

Enable buttons that enable more features.

Main Buttons

Button to link to your website.

EZ Card Setup

Simply snap a selfie or upload from a PC

Add A Logo

Add your business logo or profile image or both.

Google MyBusiness

Link your Google MyBusiness listing to your Digital Business Card for a virtual handshake.


Your clients will be so impressed that they will want one too!

Forms Builder Option

Add a fill-in form, application, survey form to capture more leads.

Booking/Call Scheduling

Enable booking / call scheduling on your card.

On-Card Booking

Lets your prospects and clients book their own appointment directly on your digital business card.

Booking Add-On*

Perfect for... Call Scheduling - Consulting - Personal Trainers - Couching more...

Preschedule Calls

Be more prepared for the call with call scheduling.

Great For Anyone

Anyone can benefit from enabling the scheduling feature.


Your clients can book appointments right on your digital business card.

Accept Payments

You can accept credit card payments and PayPal payments right on your virtual card.

Get Your Messages Read

Eliminates the worry of your marketing messages not being read.


Push Notification Messaging works better then email marketing.

Push Notifications

Everyone is always looking at their smartphones. Your push messaging won't be missed like with emails.

Messaging Dashboard

Message management dashboard, compose informative and schedule promotional messages

Stay In Touch

Stay in touch with those who opt-in to receive your push notification messaging alerts.

Enable like and follow buttons to improve rank on social media platforms.

Best Features

No other digital business card matched the featured offered by TrenzyCard.

Help Tutorials

The platform includes video tutorials and an in-depth help section for more advanced users of the platform.