For Personal to Hobby Products Suppliers

A Very Special Video Message To You On Listing Your Business On This Directory - You Don't Want To Miss







You May Want To Watch This 2 Minute Overview Of 3D Printing First




Some really great news about our one of a kind 3 D Pinting directory.

With it we're providing a complete list of reputable 3D Printing shops & facilities.

For Providers That Place A Listing In Our Directory Here Are The Benefits

  • We have a promotional campaign (funding is already available for 6 months and more will be added as income comes in from the directory) for every-day-Americans to be made aware of the exciting possibilities that 3D Printing offers and accessible through our directory, set to roll out. These campaigns, similar to but wider spread and tailored differently than press releases, by a multi-million dollar established promotional release company with over 12 years of growth and experice.
    • It will roll out through selected communities 2 or more at a time
    • The campaign will renew every 2 - 3 weeks with  new major communities/cities target (roll out will be Phoenix and Tampa)
    • This campaign will be print advertorials in major publications with wide circulation in the community
    • Video spots on YouTube as advertisements in appropriate videos
    • Social media ads on FB, IG, etc., as appropriate (in this case people who purchase the 3D Printed products that are selling on Etsy)
    • Blogs
    • Internet 2.0 platforms as approptiate
    • Podcasts
    • Radio spots
    • and more
  • Direct Podcast apperarnces by JB Hedge or Brad Hedgecorth going out nationally as hosts sign us up
  • Weekly or more often videos about the incredible 3D Printed products provided by our top listings on our YouTube Channel 'Better Income Solutions'
  • Videos regularly posted on all of our company and personal social media channels promoting our directory
  • Weekly Blogs on our website
  • Guest blogging on promoting our directory that matches our videos
  • Paid advertising on relevant, targetted  platforms
  • Business who sign up for listings will have the ability to list in display sections and on the main page of the directory, giving more exposure than simply a name and a photo
  • Direct communications to us to provide insights into what more is needed and wanted and improvements


What Our Directory Is That Makes It Stand Out From Any Other Type Of Directory

Whether you need a commercial proto-type designed, or a limited-run production. Or some artistic flair for the  home or office, a replacement part. Gamer replicas or even cosplay costume parts or simply an anime character. 


Just anything you need, want or imagine. 3D Printing is your 21st century resource. Our directory is the map to who & where.


We provide access to a full-spectrum of suppliers in the USA. Coast-to-coast, north to south. Any territory that flies the American flag. We showcase those printers, their facilities with a gallery of past products.


Enhancing what's gone before, your intelligence & creativity puts it to work on your wishes.


3D printers are becoming a major part of the American workforce. Please support America by increasing their output, &  their & your creativity.

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