Looking to start a new life in the Philippines? Are you experiencing troubles in processing your travel documents?

Let us ease the burden by processing your immigrant visa for you.
You can focus on your core business, while we take care of the complexities of your visa application!

Say goodbye to the hassle of your visa application with our expert solution!


Who Are We

Your Convenience is Our Priority

Navigating the visa application process can be a daunting task. The paperwork, language barriers, access to consulates and visa processing centers, and fear of making mistakes can frustrate and overwhelm you.

Imagine spending hours poring over confusing forms, gathering numerous documents, only to face the frustration of rejected applications or prolonged processing times. The stress of uncertainty can take a toll on your peace of mind. 

Our professional immigration processing service takes a way to hassle and uncertainty. Our team of experts is well-versed in the intricacies of the application process, ensuring accurate and efficient submissions. 

By outsourcing to us, you can focus on your core activities while we handle the complexities of the visa application on your behalf.

Need help in your visa processing?

Contact us now for a free consultation!

What We Can Do For You

We are committed to provide a genuine, competitive and reliable immigrant visa processing services.



This is for individuals who are granted residency based on a predetermined quota system set by the host country. These immigrants are selected from a pool of applicants, typically based on specific criteria such as skill sets, family relationships, or diversity goals.


13 (A) VISA

A visa category that allows the spouse or unmarried child of a foreign national to join or accompany them in a host country. This visa enables family reunification, granting legal permission for the spouse or child to reside and potentially work or study in the country.


13 (B) VISA

A visa issued to a child who is born to parents who are on a valid visa in a foreign country. The child's status is typically dependent on the visa type and host country regulations, which may grant the child certain rights, such as citizenship or derivative visa status.


13 (C) VISA

A visa issued to a child who is born to parents who have obtained a valid visa in a foreign country, but the child is born after the visa issuance. The child's immigration status may vary depending on the host country's regulations, potentially requiring separate visas or citizenship applications for the child.


13 (D) VISA

A visa category designed for women who have lost their citizenship due to marriage or other circumstances. This visa allows them to legally reside in a foreign country and potentially obtain citizenship or residency status through alternative pathways, ensuring protection and support for affected individuals.


13 (E) VISA

It is an immigrant visa issued to a person previously lawfully admitted into the Philippines for permanent residence, who is returning from a temporary visit abroad to an unrelinquished residency in the Philippines. The application can be filed at the Bureau of Immigration in the Philippines. 


13 (F) VISA

An immigrant visa issued to the spouse or the unmarried child under twenty-one years of age, of an alien lawfully admitted in the Philippines for permanent residence prior to the date on which the Immigration Act of the Philippines becomes effective and who is resident therein.


13 (G) VISA

A visa for individuals who are naturalized in a foreign country but qualify for visa privileges due to their birth in the Philippines. It acknowledges the individual's natural-born status in the country. It provides them legal permission to reside, work, study, or travel within its borders.

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Need help in you Immigrant Visa Processing? Talk to us now! Contact us through email at mmd@connectthingsph.com or call us at +639505259332