Couples Getting Married in the State of Florida

Because we know you have options and you need to decide if we have your solution.

This content is brought to you by the mother/daughter team of Sonia Gallimore and Trudy Beerman. Sonia is a licensed, Marriage & Family Therapist. Trudy holds a Master's as a Pastoral Counselor, clergy, and Managing Director of Stewardship 101 Inc. - a 501c organization. The state of Florida recognizes Stewardship 101 Inc. as a provider of their approved, 4-hour, Pre-marriage course.

Approval by the state does not guarantee that each county courthouse recognizes us as a course provider.  

Bypassing the 3-day wait rule for a Florida marriage license is a valuable bonus, not the reason for this course. This course was designed to help engaged couples enjoy an I DO FOR ALWAYS. We are working to get listed with every Florida county courthouse. Some counties have advised us they have chosen only to use providers in their county. Unless you found us listed with the county courthouse as a recognized provider, please understand there will be no refund if we are not.

The Florida Premarriage Course is designed to help couples build a strong foundation for their marriage.

The course covers strategies to avoid the top 5 reasons couples end up in divorce court. These topics are communication, conflict management, financial responsibilities, children & parenting, and other issues.

Course Overview:

  • The Florida Premarriage Course is a 4-hour course
  • Qualified instructors teach the course registered with the state of Florida.
  • Both partners must attend the entire course together.
  • A quiz confirms you participated in the learning, and a passing score unlocks the completion certificate.
  • If the county courthouse recognizes us as a provider, the completion certificate makes your marriage license immediately active and usually gets you a discount on your marriage license with that county because you took our course.
  • The course also covers essential legal and practical aspects of marriage, such as the rights and responsibilities of spouses and the legal requirements for getting married in Florida.


mother daughter team