Rediscover Your Authentic Power
Hello & a warm welcome to my website.
My name is Karen Redpath.
I am a Coach, Wellbeing Consultant & Personal Development Facilitator with over 25 years experience.
I offer sessions online and face-to-face.
My purpose and passion is supporting women to access their inner wisdom and get out of their own way so they can be empowered to live their best life, in alignment with their values and their most authentic self…all whilst enjoying optimum health & vibrant wellbeing.
Are you ready...
- To get out of your own way & unlock your potential?
- To release the negative emotions & blocks holding you back?
- To surface & transcend the limiting beliefs, thoughts & patterns that drive your behaviour?
- To activate your best life in alignment with your most authentic self?
- To explore and understand yourself & your relationships better?
- To uplevel your self-care & live in optimum health?
- To ignite your journey to embodied wholeness?
If so, get in touch to arrange your free, 30 minute clarity call to explore how I can best support your unique, individual needs.
I look forward to supporting you
Much love, Karen x

The inner work is up to you
I've been seeing Karen fairly regularly over the last year now. Her unique, holistic approach allowed me to gain deep insight into my life situation, my behavioural patterns & the beliefs that were not serving me.
Karen effectively, and compassionately, supported me to chunk things down into manageable segments so that we could systematically work through each segment. This was a very empowering process for me as it allowed me to attain full awareness, a deeper understanding, valuable tools & ultimately resolution to my life challenges.
Alongside the coaching process, Karen integrated her well-being skills, supporting me with homeopathic remedies, energy exercises & flower essences to therapeutically go hand in hand with the issues being addressed. This provided me with much-needed emotional, and physical, backup and beneficial support.
I would thoroughly recommend Karen to anyone as she is absolutely 100% authentic, effective & heart-centred in what she does.
The inner work, of course, is up to you...
JD - Aberdeenshire

Those who study themselves are enlightened
I recently read a passage by Robin Sharma, which, to paraphrase, said
‘There is the apparent risk that comes with self examination and soul searching but there is never a risk in discovering yourself. Self knowledge is the DNA of self enlightenment. It is a very good, indeed essential, thing.’
And it lead me to write this testimonial regarding my experience over the last year since starting my sessions with Karen.
I am still not sure what made me contact Karen, I just felt that I needed some energy work (not even understanding what this was, it was just a feeling.) and I was drawn to Karen through her Facebook posts (and her gorgeous hair!!) . I did indeed enjoy the energy treatments and felt energy blocks move and shift as I felt a lightness, a real spring in my step, after the sessions. But what also happened was I started to talk. I then I didn’t stop….. Karen was the ear and Coach that I didn’t know I needed.
Karen has helped and encouraged me to unravel layers of myself emotionally by talking, listening, questioning and helping me to understand how my bottled up emotions have shaped my life negatively and how I have been a prisoner to my own thoughts and made up boundaries.
Karen has been there whilst I’ve cried and laughed, through my confusion and my Eureka moments and held me and supported me through it all. Most of our sessions have taken place online due to me living in Azerbaijan but the power and the support is still so strong through the computer screen, it means that I can take her with me wherever I go :)
To borrow another Robin Sharma quote, Karen 'serves a role similar to a lighthouse , offering you guidance and refuge when the seas get rough.’
I actually don’t know where I would be just now if I hadn’t found Karen. I am a far better mother, wife and citizen of the world, because she has guided me and allowed me to understand myself.
I think as a mother it is often the case that we put ourselves last, our needs and emotions are put on the back burner because other things become the priority, children, work etc etc.. We tend to just 'get on with things.'
But my making yourself a priority and really looking within you will raise your game in every aspect of your life! I cannot recommend anyone higher than Karen for taking you through this journey to achieving the best version of you.
I know this testimonial has been quite quote heavy, but they all help me to put across my point, that looking within and working on yourself will elevate your life.
‘People who study others are wise, but those who study themselves are enlightened.
(The Monk who sold his Ferrari)
Karen, I adore you, your soul grounds me and I’ll forever be grateful for the help you have given me.
I have and will continue to recommend you to every one.
VW - Azerbaijan

The session was powerful, direct and deeply healing
I went for a session with Karen as I was feeling low and stuck, out of balance.
Karen made me feel really comfortable as we chatted about what was going on. She is an amazing listener and people reader and she suggested we do some shamanic work.
Karen expertly worked with the emotions and energy that came up, getting right to the core of the issue. She then gave me tools to practice myself encouraging me to be responsible for my own healing which I really appreciated.
The session was powerful, direct and deeply healing and I would recommend a visit to Karen for anyone who is struggling and needs guidance 🙏 she is a highly skilled intuitive with a heart as big as the ocean x
SF - Scotland