Hello my friend!  I’m Misty and I am so excited that you are here! I am a Transformational Life Coach and I can’t wait to begin our journey together.

As your Transformational Life Coach, I'm here to EMPOWER you one step at a time by helping you to make a change and upgrade your life. I'll be here to support you fully as you wake up to who you truly are!!! 

I have spent the last 20 plus years as a nanny for many wonderful families.  As time moved on, families changed, and my heart began telling me it was time to choose a different path. That’s what brings me here today. I have been blessed to have had several mentors along my journey and I have become successful because of the inner work that I have dedicated myself to. I actually like to call it my “soul work”. By diving into this work and seeing the changes in my own life, I soon knew that my journey was leading me to become the Transformational Life coach that I am today. 

Empowering clients one step at a time helping them to change to upgrade their lives as they wake up to who they truly are is what I do as a Transformational Life Coach! 

If you are someone who feels stuck, who feels like there is more to life, who is struggling to find purpose in what you are doing and who you are becoming then I would love to be the one to help you unlock that potential that awaits you deep inside. Just BREATHE my friend and let's begin this journey together! 

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Amber ~

The most important thing that I learned with Misty is to believe in myself and I am worth something. She also helped me to see that I can be strong and I have a voice and it’s ok to use that voice to speak up for myself.  One change that I have made to my mindset everyday is to love myself. I need to love myself.  Some days it’s ok to just be ok. Oh my gosh, the Transcovery process has been so empowering for me. At first when I started using it, I cried a lot and then I slowly began to see the real me as time went on. I was not sure I could work through some of the things that I was faced with, yet I found I could and it was ok. I TOTALLY recommend Misty as a Transformational Life Coach. I do believe with all of my heart that she has an amazing gift and ability to help people discover what it is inside to be what they have always wanted to be but needed someone to help them discover it. Misty is the one who can help.

Amber ~

Rylea ~

"Misty is exactly what everyone needs in a life coach. She helped me explore the why behind a lot of my feelings about myself, and my life. She pushed me to be accountable to myself, and guided me gently and patiently. She met me where I was at and gave me grace when I fell short. Misty will push you to be your best self, but you won't feel pushed, just led. I am still so grateful for my experience with her, and almost 7 months later I still use the tools and techniques she gave me.

All That aside she is a wonderful person, and has such a soothing voice, my sleep-deprived self loved hearing her lull me almost to sleep. I just loved our time together and miss it dearly!"

Rylea ~

Jessica ~

"Misty, I want to thank you for the past 8 weeks. Going into our sessions I wasn’t sure what to expect, but it’s been so much fun to grow with your guidance. During these past 8 weeks, I’ve been reminded that we must set goals and make a plan in order for our world to shift around us for ourselves and our family. Each week you gave new steps to follow that were easy to introduce into my daily life. Walking away from this experience I have introduced that mental vision board into my daily life. The vision board really helps me stay focused on what my goals are their purpose. As we discussed, the 8 weeks went by so quickly and I wasn’t ready for it to end, but I am confident I will be able to maintain the progress we’ve made together."

Jessica ~