IM Technical Training
Get the most current training for website, eCommerce, mobile
and social media development for your online success!
Stop Paying Someone For Work You Can Do Yourself...
Save $100's Of Dollars... Or More!
Do you already have, or, are you just starting, your business website on the Internet? Does it feel a little confusing or strange to you?
If you have paid someone to do work on your website in the past, or are considering that option today, then, the training you'll find on this site could help you save hundreds, if not thousands of dollars.
ILLUSION #1 - There's way to much technical stuff for the average person to be successful
Have you heard the phrase "Jack of All Trades, Master of None"? When it comes to an online business, being a "Jack of All Trades" is a badge of honor. You only have to know the basics to be successful.
If you tried to "Master" every aspect of doing business online, you'd NEVER get your business off the ground, as all you would be doing is learning HOW TO DO IT.
OK - You're not a programmer, nor do you want to be one. You just want to get your business out there so your customers can find you and buy your products and services.
If you know what type of programs and software you need to employ for online success, and you learn how to use them, you won't need to be a programmer, or have mad coding skills.
ILLUSION #2 - If You Need Anything Done On Your Website, You Must Hire Someone To Do The Work For You
Granted, even I hire people to work on my websites. Every small business in the world has someone they depend on to keep their online business current and user friendly. These individuals will save you time, but, is the time saved worth the amount of money it will cost you to hire them?
If you don't know the basics, how will you know if these people are doing a great job, or just ripping you off?
Or, even worse, if the person you are paying to do the work on your site decides to go out of business, does your business soon follow because you don't know how to keep your website current?
So How Do You Manage All The Technical Issues For Your Online Business?
Our IM Tech Training Videos ARE YOUR ANSWER!!
Our 'Over-The-Shoulder' style of teaching is easy to follow, and is step-by-step, so you see exactly what each action you perform will accomplish.
We have created these videos so that even a novice or new business owner can set up and maintain their own business websites. Each video is a section all to itself. You won't hear 'go back to video 3 for more information, while you are watching video 8. What you see in our videos is a full lesson in that specific area of interest.
Our Online Training
Discover what quality training can do for you and your business!

CSS3 Basic Training
CSS is short for Cascading Style Sheets and is a design element of the websites or web applications we see on the Internet today.
With CSS you can take any web page and turn it into a visual masterpiece in minutes. CSS allows you to change the styles, such as adding background colors, creating new tables and forms, boxes with round or square corners, changing text appearance with different colors, font styles, font sizes and special effects.

HTML5 Basic Training
HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language.
HTML is the language that your web browsers use to communicate to you what a particular webpage looks like.
Just like learning any new language, be it Spanish, Chinese or even English, there is a lot of memorizing, as well as learning some basic standards like what a noun is, and how it is used properly in a sentence, the same holds true for learning HTML.

Amazon S3 Services

Audacity for Marketers

OpenShot Video Editor

Basic eCommerce Marketing

Basic Mobile Marketing

Affiliate Marketing

eMail Marketing

FaceBook Marketing

Instagram Marketing

LinkedIn Marketing

Progressive List Building

Quora Marketing

Tik Tok Marketing