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Mastering The Basics of eCommerce Is A Necessary Skill...

If You Want To Sell Products or Services From Your Website.

With our eCommerce training videos, you can...

  • Start your own profitable eCommerce site
  • Offer Your Products or Services 24 hours a day
  • Attract new customers through search engine rankings
  • Reduce Add Spend Costs With An Online Presence
  • Track the status of product delivery or any customer request
  • Cater to local and global markets without additional expense

Has your business been affected by what is happening all around the world?

Do you currently have an eCommerce store? If not, my question would be - Why not?

Businesses are finding it harder and harder to maintain profitability in todays market place.  Many businesses that don't have an online eCommerce presence, are going out of business.

It's pretty clear that if you have a local business, you have invested a LOT of money to reach the level of success you currently have.

Isn't it worth a look to see what a few dollars more can do for you, your business and your bottom line?

By learning the basics of eCommerce, and getting an eCommerce store, your business could easily be multiplied by 2 or 3 times.

Do You Really Need An eCommerce Store?

Check Out These Eye Opening Statistics...

  • It's estimated that Online Sales in the U.S. ALONE will exceed $525 BILLION in 2020
  • Over 50% of consumers have stated they will do most of their purchases online
  • The "average" consumer spends $1,500 per year online, and it's projected that will increase to almost $2,000 in 2020
  • Over 85% of searches online are for products and services - eCommerce can't be taken for granted.
  • The average "order value" for eCommerce stores is $45.  It's anticipated that could increase to $60 in 2020 and beyond.

Consider This... Having An eCommerce Store Can Increase Profitability...

You Could Be Leaving THOUSANDS Of Dollars On The Table!



Intro to eCommerce  Running Time – 4:41

1.   What is eCommerce  Running Time – 9:33

2.   Benefits of eCommerce  Running Time – 5:58

3.   Offering Services Online  Running Time – 5:47

4.   Making Money with eCommerce  Running Time – 5:41

5.   Locating Online Customers Running Time – 5:20

6.   Anatomy of eCommerce Site Running Time – 5:20

7.   Choosing Domain-Hosting Running Time – 11:49

8.   Platforms for eCommerce Site Running Time – 6:28

9.   Setting Up eCommerce Store Running Time – 5:20

10.  Traffic Generation Running Time – 5:49

11.  Tracking & Analyzing Customers Running Time – 5:57

12.  10 Can Do for eCommerce Running Time – 5:50

13.  10 Don'ts for eCommerce Running Time – 5:45

14.  Premium eCommerce Tools & Services Running Time – 6:13

15.  eCommerce Case Studies Running Time – 8:09