Luke James Performs "These Arms"



Luke James Performs "These Arms"

There is no doubt that when it comes to young generation singers in American, there are a few names that stand out. Luck James is one such name which sends goose pimples to many thousands of his men and women fans. Hence, it is quite obvious that when Luke James performs the music world watches with bated breath. Therefore his new release, "These Arms" did raise quite a bit of excitement and expectations. It would be interesting to know more about this song and how it pans out amongst his supporters and critics.

Yes It Is An Intimate Song

The song is catching quite a bit of attention because it is about sex, passion, and intimacy between two romantic lovers. However, when one first heard about the song it left many to think that it was going to be one of the many supportive love songs. It was about a weary man and woman seeking each other’s company and arms when their bodies and minds were tired. However, the song straightaway starts with the bedroom and talks about the things he loves from his woman in the bed.

It Has Been Sensually Sung

The song could evince quite a bit of interest because of the fact is being sung by Luke James, and he has a way by which he can bring in that passion and feeling into the song. The song and the lyrics are indeed sensual but at the same time, it has not crossed over into a language that is explicit. This certainly is one of the biggest takeaways as far as These Arms is concerned. It will certainly appeal to a much larger segment of people. It has all credentials and stuff to be very much in the babymaker territory.

This song may just push Luke James faster towards his dream star run. It will perhaps make his fans to demand more and not wait for another nine months or one more year for the next one. This is because Luke James is much talented than what he is made out to be.

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