Have you ever thought to yourself… there’s got to be more to life than this?
Do you dread Monday mornings? I know I sure did! Getting up at 0' dark 30 gets old and wasn’t any fun.
I dreaded them for far too long, and I did something about it!
I was in the corporate world for way over 30 years, and it served me and my family well – for the most part. It provided a decent, steady income that allowed me and my husband to raise our three children without much financial stress. My corporate job paid the bills and allowed us a little bit of extra spending money.
However, we didn’t have time freedom, and it would never provide the financial independence we dreamed of. We had the basic 2-week family vacation every year, and we had weekends off. But for the rest of the year, weekdays were hectic and were really just a blur because we were so busy doing what we had to in order to get through each day – as the song goes ‘working for the weekend’.
All those years I was never quite satisfied with that routine life of getting up way too early and working the grind, where essentially every week day from 5-5 was taken up by my job. That didn’t leave much time for enjoying life or my family.
I always wanted something more than that corporate life. I always wanted out of the ‘rat race’. I always wanted to...
- be my own boss
- make my own hours
- work from home (or wherever I want or happen to be)
- get paid more than ‘enough’ (much more!)
- travel around the USA and throughout the world
- help others get out of the rat race
The rat race sucks people in and keeps you just over broke, just as it had done to me. But now, even staying ‘just over broke’ is harder to maintain these days. Lately it seems there are so many people out there struggling financially, some people even working 2 or 3 jobs just to get by.
There are far too many people living paycheck to paycheck with no extra money to even think about taking a much needed vacation. And there are far too many people falling further and further behind and who have lost all hope of ever getting ahead, let alone becoming financially independent.
But I never lost hope. I knew there was a way to achieve freedom, and I was going to find it! So throughout the years, I kept looking around, researching some ways to earn extra money, and dipping my toes into the next best thing. I tried a number of different things, even stuffing envelopes. My dad thought that was hilarious, and so he sent me an envelope stuffed with oregano to make a point that it wouldn’t work! He was right – stuffing envelopes wasn’t going to cut it!
Then, a few years ago I found network marketing, a home-based business that looked very promising. I was so excited about this opportunity because this could provide me and my family the financial freedom and time freedom we have wanted. Plus, it was a way to help others with their freedom as well. So I made the decision to jump in to the network marketing profession.… terrified and excited and curious as to what this journey would bring my way. But I was ‘all-in’.
My Journey
I met with my upline for some mentoring and found out what I needed to do. Essentially I was to make a list of all the people I knew, use a memory jogger to write down more names, and then start talking to all these people.
It was a rough road at first. As excited as I was, I was also shy and introverted with about 2 friends. I was terrified to talk to anyone I didn’t know, and even more terrified to talk to anyone I actually did know.
Not exactly a combination that screams “big time network marketer.”
There were days when I would make a bunch of dials, and I did find a few people who were interested and qualified. I can still remember my hands shaking as I’d make the phone calls my first few weeks. I was so nervous!
That really wasn't my cup of tea! So I did some more research and found a team of people really ‘killing it’ and building a team of servant leaders and a community of people supporting each other. Truly amazing and very successful! So I joined their team and their company… and I haven’t looked back!
Now, as a part of this team, I have one thing going for me that I needed to be successful: an upline who is earning a 6-figure income who is leading one the fastest growing teams in our company. They have a system in place that anyone can follow, and as my upline, they made sure my team and I had everything too.
Plus, I have another very important thing going for me: A clear 'why'. I know WHY I am in this industry.
Success begins with having a clear ‘why’ and writing down some goals.
Then, it involves personal and professional development — every day, doing something to improve yourself and your business skills.
After that, it is just taking action. Reach out to new people… follow-up with those you’ve talked to previously… and follow-through with those who choose to build a team with you.
We have all the pieces in place to make it plug and play too… if you follow the system, the system will work for you. But that doesn’t mean you have to be as uncomfortable as I was. There are options for building a wildly successful organization that suits your personality and your schedule. For me, this meant building a business online using social media.
Taking My Business Social
Today we’ve taken advantage of economic shifts and now I build my business almost exclusively through social media. Also, our team has built a community and culture online that allows anyone to consistently build their network (meet new people), grow their customer base, and add new partners to their team each and every month.
I have been blessed to study under and learn from these very supportive leaders in the network marketing industry — individuals who teach both ‘old school’ and online methods and, through that learning, have adapted our own system that anyone on our team can work from anywhere.
The shift in how the internet works has made it easier than ever for anyone to build a profitable, leveraged business online… and today, we could not be more grateful for the opportunity to adapt with the times and allow the internet to open more and more doors for us and our team!
Today I am building something most people only dream of — control over my time, my finances, and my life!
I still work hard… after all, I still have some big goals to reach, and nothing worthwhile comes without hard work! But I work hard on my terms, and will be able to schedule my work around my life… not the other way around.
I look forward to warm sunny afternoons at the beach or at my mom's cabin.
In the summer, I’ll be spending my time poolside or lakeside… either with a favorite book, or on the phone coaching a team member.
I'll be traveling - often. I'll have the opportunity to visit different countries and countless destinations around the US… working an hour here and there while exploring the different cultures of the world.
What I love even more than earning money, reaching my goals, and seeing the change in my own life, is seeing other people’s lives changed. By linking arms with others, I have the ability to help them create their own dream lifestyle….and that’s what burns in my heart!
I’m excited to spend the next 10+years doing this… and to spend it empowering tens of thousands of other home-business entrepreneurs to design and live THEIR dream life through network marketing.
It’s Great to meet you my New Friend.