Why a Blog is CRITICAL For Your Business!
Your #1 Lead Hub for Your Home-Based Business
Owning and operating a blog is arguably the most important online component to a successful strategy for your home-based business. It is so important because it is used to build relationships with your niche and for establishing the means for a long-term relationship. And, just as important, it fills in a critical piece of the puzzle to any online marketing strategy.
Here are a few reasons having your own blog is key:
- You can post anything you want for your audience to read.
- You can enlighten your best prospects and leads with key information.
- It is the #1 place for you to refer all of your prospects and convert them into leads and ultimately clients.
- It is basically a relationship-management hub for your new business.
Your blog is simply a website with a few more bells and whistles. It should contain just enough content and offers as needed to build your reputation, establish credibility, and build trust among your target market niche.
Blogs are very easy to create online these days, and we can show you how to do that pretty easily. But as you will see, your blog will soon become the HUB OF YOUR BUSINESS.
Quite a few people believe that their profiles on their social media accounts should suffice, but relying only on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter, among others, to build a home business is actually putting your business at risk. Now, these social media networks are invaluable when it comes to building your brand, but it’s very important to understand that they are owned and operated by someone else. This means that the owners can change and enforce rules on how you are allowed to represent your brand and distribute your content whenever they like, and you must adhere to these rules if you want to use these platforms. You could regrettably lose everything!
With your own blog, you can have 100% ownership and control over all of the content. This means that you can arrange and distribute content exactly as you want. You can build you, your brand, and your niche market with very little risk.
Another perk for owning your own blog is that it serves as a central hub for all of your social media marketing activities.
- It is the #1 place to refer prospects and existing customers.
- It is the one place where all of your offers, content and answers to top questions reside.
- It will display your ongoing support of your target market niche and give you the chance to create and maintain relationships
- It will contain important events, your social network links, calls-to-action, reviews, success from your niche, and so much more - all expressed exactly how you want!
- It is an ideal place to ‘capture’ your prospects contact information to build your contact list and give you the great opportunity to re-market to one of the most highly qualified prospects ever!
No matter where people first come in contact with you, either online or off, they should always be directed to visit your blog! This action alone makes them one of the most qualified prospects you can find since they came looking for YOUR content or offers! This is an incredibly powerful reason that a blog is a must for any home-based business!
So if you want to take control and own your brand, then creating a blog is a great place to start! It doesn’t need to be something that you have to add content to every day, but it should contain enough content that your niche sees you as credible and as somebody that they’d like to stay connected to.
Unlike a static website that just tells viewers a little bit about you, your blog will display your ongoing support of your target market and give you the chance to create and maintain relationships like never before!
Regardless of what target niche you are focusing on, you can’t afford not to have a blog! The benefits are enormous!
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To Your Success,
Linda Elaine