Before entering the mine, you will receive a protective helmet, boots, and overalls, and then, accompanied by a guide, walk along the exit and main tunnel of the Sitarjevec Mine. In the mine you will learn about the method of mining at a time when the mine was still open, mining anecdotes are also presented, which were collected based on the oral narratives of still-living miners. In the mine, visitors can see exhibits of rocks, a mining cart, some mining tools, a reconstructed track, an exhibition about a living bat in the Sitarjevec Mine, a panel with a reproduction of the paleoenvironment from the Posavje folds, exhibits of fabrics dyed with water from the mine, an exhibition of hematite jewelry. A short film is shown in the mine hall. A short film is shown in the mine hall. Ore samples from the mine are exhibited on special bases, which are specially made for this purpose and adequately lit, as well as for ore veins. Also on display are tools used to dig ore during mining. Reconstructions of plant and animal specimens are shown in the extended tunnels. The paleoenvironment of the time, as it was at the time of the sedimentation, from which the rocks that make up the present mine were formed, is staged. All exhibits are appropriately explained on information boards.

In the lower part of the mine, where the main tunnel is, you will experience the mine in an authentic environment. This is a very vulnerable place, as the famous limonite stalactite structures and limonite mud are intensively formed in it, which is why the Sitarjevec mine is so very colorful. Especially interesting to see is the hall with rich and diverse stalactite structures, which was accidentally discovered during the restoration work in the Sitarjevec Mine. Due to the vulnerability of the space, it is entered individually accompanied by a guide. In the hall you can see various limonite stalactite forms, these are stalagmites and stalactites in the form of stalactite spaghetti and stalactite curtains. The hall is rubble that buried the existing tunnel. Visitors ascend to the top of the tunnel, and behind it, we can see a backfilled tunnel flooded with water, and the original tunnel support is still preserved. The tunnel is located below the ore-bearing zone or. under the sulfide ore body, which is also the reason why so many stalactite structures are formed in the hall.

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