When you have customers Nationally and Internationally with different timezones how are going to manage the influx on the different questions?

Opening hours and then no one can contact you and even though you would like to help you need your time with your family or just to get away from the business- well now you can support your business and customers who need just that little assistance;

Introducing, the Leave me a message via video. Now you can handle it at your leisure and provide another service to your customers or potential customers or potential businesses partner or partnership but there is another avenue that one of my legal customers has provided, secure video calls to their clients.

Opening hours 24x7 with my video platform and soon to be open, our web conference for those business transactions with business partners and you can do this all on mobile.

Virtual Business on mobile for all Sales and communications and help. As an example; You are out fishing on the bank or in your boat and you have your mobile on- you get a notification that someone has left a video message- no fish and so you log into the video platform and there is the video message - looking at the video you send an answer, without you knowing you get a notification the customer just brought a product or you sealed a new client or completed that transaction of a new partnership all from your mobile. There is a tug on your line, you caught a fish and made a sale.  That's just an example.

I use video for my Sales and customer support plus, I just received a video testimonial on my mobile where I can place it anywhere I wish. That's encouraging for you to subscribe. and you also caught a big fish.

This Great Investment is waiting for you. Video me to get started.
