Pain-Free, FUN, NEW Way to Play Golf
With a Safe, Powerful Way to Drive the Ball Up to 300 Yards!
SENIOR or NEWBIE. get in on the FUN! - If you can just chip and putt, you can start Air-Pressure Golfing right away !
Now you can fly the ball from tee box to green, without swinging a club or having to strike the ball !
"Past Your Prime?" Get Back In the Game!
New Golfer? Play Right Away - YET Never Slow Down the Game
Instead, use the SAFE-TEE-AIR Method
To drive the ball
This ALL-METAL, High-pressure-rated Golf-club Replacement is carried in place of up to 12 clubs in a standard golf bag!
At half the weight!
Beginners trying to learn to STRIKE the ball have had wild shots fly off towards, and sometimes hit other players or bystanders. To by-pass much of the Full-Swing-Shot learning curve, others have tried to come up with a club replacement that was effective for actually playing golf.
At the worst end of these efforts, if someone tried to rig this up at home with inferior parts ... it has led to Home-Made Launcher FAILS! Like homemade PVC potato guns exploding - firing shards of hard, jagged plastic in all directions! These illegal bombs-waiting-to-happen have wounded, blinded and maimed so many!
These dangers are what the Safe-Tee-Air Driver has succeeded in eliminating, replacing clubs in a bag with a more accurate way of firing *golf shots* that are more realistic and useful for actually playing the game.
If you're not able to swing fully (or don't care to learn those), you don't need to! You can just work on your chipping and putting.
Powerful and Accurate
The Ball Goes Where You Point It!
The Safe-Tee-Air Driver (TM, patent pending) or Safety Air Driver TM, shortened to S.T.A.D. or The STAD (TM) was developed specifically for the actual playing of golf - to make all kinds of golf shots without swinging a golf club.
Hit more fairways than most experienced golfers firing your drive to up to 300 yards for those Par 4s and Par 5s. YOU can choose whether to hit from Blue, White or Gold Tees! So depending on abilities of the other golfers in your group, you can fit in and keep the game moving.
For Approach Shots to the Green, dial-in less pressure, point the barrel tip higher, and aim to hit or bounce and roll onto the green.
(Especially on wet days, make sure to look for and repair your ball marks on the green. For charity events, we set up targets before the actual green to avoid multiple ball marks, keeping course supers happy).
Plenty of distance, a full range of launching angles to get the ideal height for shots of different ranges, and steeper landing angles so the ball doesn't just bounce and keep rolling off past your ideal next spot on the fairway, or bouncing over or rolling right off the green.
On your approach, take elevation and wind into account, imagine a nice arc, and aim for the green. You may actually be on the green or the fringe, and ready to putt. And even if you miss, you're close enough to chip!
Fully-Adjustable Distance
Carry a metal CO2 bottle
Just carry a handy metal "bottle" of CO2 in your bag on the golf cart or rolling bag handcart - or carry one right on your belt or backpack! Where to fill your CO2 bottle
Just dial-in the pressure level (PSI) you need for the yardage you want the ball to fly. For drives on Par 4's and Par 5's, between 100 to over 300 yards!
Now with our patented Optimized Barrel, you can play the whole long game from tee to green.
Hit fairways your first time out, and practice approach shots to get on greens from 200 yards and closer.
You can even help your "short game."
Because you can shoot standing, sitting, or kneeling, most desirable and effective shorter shots are within reach, as well. Pitch, "flop" or lob 25 to 50 yards out!
So you can soon learn to take the fewest shots to get near or onto the green.
And just practice chips with a chipping wedge - and of course putting. ( These are challenging enough as it is! )
Specialty Shots
Misjudge and end up too close to the trees? "Punch out" with your S.T.A.D. from under tree boughs or between branches -- or keep long low shots below a nasty cross-wind.
The S.T.A.D. makes it easier to get onto the green and putt, or chip from just off the green.

Curved Barrel Ball Flight
The Ball Climbs, Floating Upward Like From a Club
Wonder how this thing lets beginners, older, or out-of-shape players make such nice, long, accurate shots? Here's a little science lesson:
A back-spinning ball generates "LIFT" - like an airplane wing!
Here's a picture from a popular on-line video showing how if you put lots of backspin on a basketball, and drop it off a high, unobstructed location (without people below, please) you will see how it flies arcing "up and out" - instead of dropping straight down.
The Magnus Effect Shown on a Spinning Ball in a Smoke-Stream Wind Chamber -
A pro with hours and hours to practice, or a life-long player that can still can hit full-swing shots (and still enjoys hitting them) can get that great backspin, arc and beautiful flights and landings, 9 out of 10 times.
Now you can, too.
Without ever swinging a club.

Get Out on the Golf Course
WITHOUT Hurting Your Back!
The patented Safe-Tee-Air Driver ( "S.T.A.D." for short) was developed specifically for the actual playing of golf, without hurting your back or endangering others.
It is designed to make golf INCLUSIVE. Anybody who'd like to play golf can now do so regardless of strength, or athletic ability, or prior investment in lessons and equipment.
You can play with traditional golfers, or with another Air-Pressure golfer.
- From aging, seasoned golfers whose participation has slowed or stopped -
- - to those with health or mobility issues
- - to Baby Boomers reaching retirement age, who may never have set foot on a golf course, but who finally have the time and budget to play golf.
- - to all potentially NEW golfers, attracted to the outdoor playing areas and social aspects, but daunted by the steep learning curve from the basic swing of the long game to the complexity of equipment choices.
All of these can now tee off and get the ball down the fairway. Even from a wheelchair or SITTING in a golf cart, by the way).
A more-abled partner can drive a golf cart to the ball on the fairway, pick the ball up and allow the passenger to shoot it close to or onto the green, without having to strike it.
Almost any golf course with a cart path can designate an alternative, golf-cart accessible launching area near, but still behind, each tee.
The S.T.A.D has been used to play hundreds of rounds with success on existing courses in Virginia, North and South Carolina and Florida. Thousands of balls have been shot on driving ranges in Northern Virginia.
Since 2020 The STAD has had multiple successful scores on both US and Global Top Tracer leaderboards. For Closest to the Pin contests and Top Tracer Virtual (Replicated) Golf Courses like Pebble Beach, St. Andrews, BethPage Black, Harbourtown, and the replicated "Island Course" on Kiawah Island.
The compact design fits in a golf bag - - which can easily be carried, or rolled in a hand cart from hole to hole -- replacing up to 12 clubs now being carried by each golfer. The Air Driver weighs only what 5 or 6 clubs would - if they were bound and held together.
A golf club replacement - a STAD or S.T.A.D. is a safe, pneumatic golf-ball launcher, or "air-pressure driver," with the patented burnished aircraft-grade aluminum barrel which is optimally-curved for playing golf.
That perfect curve helps produce beautiful, airborne golf shots that play well at any distance, replicating ideal golf club performance.
It is possible, comfortable and very affordable to use the STANDARD model or PRO S.T.A.D. club-replacement to play the entire Long Game.
BOTH Models slide into a golf bag and are carried from hole to hole, and can be used from tee to green.
The standard 24" optimally-curved barrel has produced drives up to 300 yards.
WE have recorded drives with the 30" Pro Model up to 375 yards. (We're also used this "From the Tips playing with a new pro golfer.")
The same barrel can also shoot steep lob shots from as low as 25-40 yards out and at least get on the green.
In 2021 a 99-yard hole-in-one was actually recorded in Clifton, Virginia, with video documentation !
A Safe-Tee-Air Golfer's bag is significantly (up to 6 pounds) lighter for loading into a car trunk. The “Safe-Tee-Air Golfer” (S.T.A.G.) still has a lighter golf bag to lift, load, roll or carry than a traditional club golfer.
The only remaining actual clubs the “Safe-Tee-Air Golfer” needs to carry are a putter and a chipping wedge close to the green -- Chipping and putting skills are still always going to be needed to hole the ball. And so the challenges of golf's shortest shots will always depend upon the skill and devotion to practice that any golfer invests in attempting to "perfect" those shots.
The Safe-Tee-Air Golfer just has more options to propel the ball along its journey from the Tee to the Hole, while trying to do so with the fewest total shots.
Safe-Tee-Air Golfers NEVER need to learn to strike or hit the ball with a FULL SWING. They don't need risk twisting, "tweaking" or aggravating a spine prone to painful and often debilitating "episodes."
"The patented Safe-Tee-Air-Driver (TM) is ideal for Playing Golf with a Bad Back." ( See article here )
Golf unfortunately introduces many factors which can lead to or worsen spinal deterioration. The torque or torsion often generated on the spine, especially with a "bad swing," or striking the ball against resistance like hitting the ground, or through heavy rough or vegetation, or "fat shots" in sand (striking the ground or sand well before the ball) , are just some of the reasons why "All Golfers Have Bad Backs."**
"Another big cause of stress on golfer's necks and backs is the act of bending over with putters and other short clubs. For this reason I stand up straight and use a long 'broomstick' putter on and in 2021 shifted to 'face-on' or 'side-saddle' putting" - Bill Alatis
Separate from the launcher is the Compressed Air Source which can be left on a golf cart or rolling golf pushcart, and connected to the STAD launcher, or carried on the golfer's body employing a holster or backback.
While there are many ways to charge the stad with compressed air, a refillable canister of compressed CO2 (as used in Paintball).
These can be filled at home brewing supply shops, many sporting goods shops, aquarium supply sellers and of course paintball and airsoft venues and shops.
Now you can even use SodaStream-type refillable bottles which can be delivered direct to your door.
Because most golf courses have snack bars serving fountain sodas, they can be easily set-up to fill, or exchange your bottles for you on site. Ask your course's Pro Shop to contact us to accommodate your new golfing style.
After the golfball is dropped into the barrel, the air or gas source is quick-connected (like a mechanic's air tools) to “charge” the launcher to the desired pressure for even the longest drives in under one minute.
The compression device can then be disconnected - without losing the pressure charge - giving the user full freedom to lift, aim and fire the launcher. Or it can be fired while connected to a canister in a belt, holster or backpack, and disconnected after the shot.
The Ball Flight is beautiful -- and effective! It's easy to aim and achieve great results - straight, controlled shots, dialed-in distances and landings that are actually useful in play. The ball looks and acts like a pro golfer's shots in terms of distance, height, and landing on the fairway - or on the green.
And it's safe for even beginners to use with minimal training or practice. A safety video (or short orientation by staff) is all they need to start driving the ball on the driving range. Once they understand safe golfing etiquette, they can take to the fairway.
It's a godsend for a golfer who'd like to include their spouse in an outing. The short learning curve makes life much easier, and a beginner doesn't need to worry about slowing down a partner or others in a group.
The “Safe-Tee-Air-Driver” (Safety Air Driver) --
In contrast to balls struck with a club from the Tee area, from the Tee area or anywhere on the course, this Golfball Air Driver virtually eliminates the danger of of mis-struck balls (shanks, slices and hooks) hitting a fellow golfer or bystander.
It also makes dialing-in a desired distance available to all users, and allows them to adjust their elevation and ball speed for each type of shot - and thus improve their results quickly. (Remember John Rahm rushing to hug the PGA onlooker he had hit with his too-long approach shot - apologizing profusely?)
The Safe-Tee-Air-Driver is safe for even new golfers to use. A short orientation video is all they need to get started.
"It has brought safety to launching a golf ball, the way the Schick Safety Razor improved upon the old straight razor (of Sweeney Todd notoriety)."
Designed with safety foremost, its all-metal construction employs aircraft grade aluminum for the barrel, release valve, and liquid filled pressure gauge, and stainless steel for the pressure chamber and trigger mechanism.
This is in stark contrast to "potato cannons" and other home-built gas contraptions made with PVC, which is illegal for use in pressurized chambers.
The player's aims and elevates the barrel to affect the ball's direction and trajectory, bringing elements of marksmanship and archery into the “long game” of golf. First, it launches at higher pressures in its range, simulating accurate “drives" from the tee, up to 340 yards. With the optional Long Drive Barrel, these can reach 390 or 400 yards, which is longer than most professional golfers.
The adjustable elevation produces ball flights which allow the player to get the ball onto the green with their approach shot.
Ultimately, it allows the player to focus on the “short game” with clubs on and around the greens, mostly just chipping and putting. Pitching inside of 50 yards is a Safe-Tee-Air Golfer's optional skill and method.
The Safe-Tee-Air Golfer always has a choice before putting. A STAG can weigh the the risks and rewards of approaching the green from a given lie. A STAG can opt to chip (or to strike any short pitches) with a wedge, which still can use only a short, half-swing, without twisting the back.
And he or she is never forced to sand-blast or cut through heavy vegetation or rough to get the ball on the green close to the hole. Bill says "I'd rather give up a shot, myself, than risk straining my back or neck, but that's just me. Some days if I feel like 'playing in the sand,' I might risk a real bunker shot with a club. If I'm successful I saved a stroke. "
" It's still 'a game that can't be won -- only played.'
STAGs (Safe-Tee-Air Golfers) are first and foremost, RECREATIONAL golfers."
- Bill Alatis, (the first S.T.A.G)
" It's just so much FUN! And I'm really only playing against myself - my best performance on THIS particular course, so far. Now IF I have been invited to keep score and compete, by virtue of picking up the ball to shoot it with my 'STAD' (Safe-Tee-Air-Driver), I'd often have an unfair advantage over even a pro golfer if I don't give up a point or stroke - at least from a bad lie. I'm happy to try to make things fair - and always fun.
If playing along with traditional golfers, of course if they want to keep score and compete with me, all the normal rules apply if I lose a ball, or end up out of bounds or in a water-hazard. I'm happy to negotiate with them at the beginning about how many strokes I'll give up. Like my second shots those times I HAVEN'T landed on the fairway, and in an especially tough lie for a traditional club golfer.
PLEASE NOTE: Most golfers have been extremely supportive and tolerant about my disability and my device for working around it.
But for me, I'd still enjoy playing with others, even if I expected to come in last every time.
- Not only am I willing to give up an extra stroke if my ball ends up in a traditionally "tough lie," I knew I'd still enjoy playing, EVEN giving up a shot off the fairway!
Surely I can't be seen as any kind of "threat" if I'm starting off with 14 to 20 strokes against me. So I typically add one penalty stroke to my score for every Par 4 on the course, and can even offer to take 2 penalties for every Par 5."
(Hmmm... now that I think about it, I could take all the extra strokes, add them to my score every time I play, then post that final penalized score. Then I could accept a traditional Handicap rating to play with others. That's what "handicaps" are for in traditional golf - to level the playing field for freindly competition.)
I prefer to think of the S.T.A.D. as and "Enabling" device - either for any temporary or for a more permanent "disability." But if the handicapping rules say I'm pre-Politically-Correct "handicapped" and give me strokes to compete against traditional golfers, that's OK by me. I really don't care about that stuff.
I just want to have fun and get out on the golf course, without slowing anyone else down, ya know?"
William Alatis is a marketer from the Washington DC area. He can be contacted at
Safe-Tee-Air Golf Products
The Safe-Tee-Air Driver (Patent Pending) and Components
The Safe-Tee-Air Driver
Play the whole "long game" with one device. Emulate well-hit clubs from Driver - Down to Ultra-Lob Wedge.
Pistol Grip Option
STAD with Optional Pistol Grip for More Control and Shot Stability
Optimum-Curved Metal Barrel
Aircraft-Grade Aluminum Replacement for Woods, Hybrids, Irons and Wedges - up to 11 clubs!
If SteamPunk Were Chrome
All Metal Pneumatic "Engine" - Stainless, Brass, Aircraft Grade Aluminum, Chrome
Complete S.T.A.D. Rig - Just add Putter and Wedge
All You Need for 18 holes of Drives and Approach Shots.
About us
The people that make all this possible
William Alatis
Chief Evangelist, Co-Inventor of the Safety Air Driver, Innovator and Explorer of Safety AirGolfing Methods
Frank Casto
Chief Technical Officer and Inventor of the J&J MultiLauncher