Affiliate Application

Required information to create your affiliate site, fill in as much as you can! Your site will be created as soon as your application is accepted

*Required Fields

If you choose both languages, please provide the About Yourself description in both languages

This will be the name of your website (e.g.

Why Join Our Mobile First Affiliate Program?

Monthly Volume:

From 0 to $5 000 in sales = 15% commission
From $5 000 to $10 000 in sales = 20% commission
From $10 000 to $25 000 in sales = 25% commission
From $25 000 and + = 30% commission
So, if you recruit many team players under you, they would receive their commission related to the volume they each sold.
But if the volume of your team exceed $25 000 in any given month, you would receive the override from the difference of their commission up to15% override for any one that has sold under $5 000, 10% override for the ones that sold between $5 000 to $10 000 and 5% override for those who sold between $10 000 to $25 000.  
It is a 2-tier program for leaders with a team.

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