Marketing Marketplace

Tools and solutions to help grow your business.

Scheduled Social Media Marketing Platform

Social Marketing

Social Medial Auto-Posting Platform

Scheduled content for all of your social medial networks, generate new leads, and interact with your existing client-base - all within the same innovative social media tool.

One place for all your social networks Intelligent lead generation Billed Monthly


Social Marketing Platform

Our Social Marketing Platform allows you to generate leads by pre-scheduling your social media content. Posting to social media is time-consuming and if not done correctly, it's a waste of time. To be successful on social media you need to engage potental customers, by posting non-stop streams of relevant content across multiple social media platforms,

Feature Breakdown

  Express Pro
Social profiles Facebook, Google My Business Facebook, Google, My Business, Tweeter, Instagram, LinkedIn
Scheduled posts 20 posts $Facebook, Google, My Business, Tweeter, Instagram, LinkedIn
Calendar View Check Check
Drafted Posts Check Check
Post Performance Analytics Check Check
Social Audience Analytics Check Check
Link Tracking   Check
Customer Posts   Check
Leads   Check
Interesting Content (RSS Feeds)   Check


Build a strong online presence and get more customers

If you want to land more customers you need to get out there and hustle. Your business needs to be social on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other social media platforms. The problem is that it's a continuous and time consuming pprocess. With our Socail Media Platform you will be able to easly schedule your social media posts and the plantform will post to to multiple platforms for you.

Why do you need this service?

As a business owner your time is most likely better spent running your business and trying to be a social media guru.  Generate social leads: Discover new leads on social media sites like Twitter and Facebook and engage with them anytime with a click of a button.

Through this service you will receive:

  • Schedule posts and publish posts to your social accounts.
  • Unlimited posts with the Pro Plan and 20 posts on the Express Plan
  • Post Performance Analytics
  • Social Audience Analytics
  • More... (See comparison chart above.)


Managed Google Ads

Managed Google Search Ads

Compliment a Google My Business listing with managed paid search ads.

Price $300 / month