The Gift Of Imagination


David Baroni

(Excerpt from David’s book “Creative In The Image of Elisha And The DandelionGod”) 

Imagination has been overlooked, undervalued, feared and neglected by the people of God for a long time. We have so valued reason and rationalism and emphasized what we perceive with our natural senses that imagination has been relegated to something that everyone outgrows, except possibly a few eccentric artists or musicians. Jesus said “except you be as little children you cannot see the Kingdom of God.” Do you remember when you were a child and you played “army” with G.I. Joe plastic soldiers. Or maybe, like my daughters, you ladies pretended to be the Queen, or princesses, as you played “dress and dazzle.” I can’t count the number of imaginary hot dogs, pancakes or cups of tea or coffee I have been served by my children or grandchildren at imaginary restaurants. You may say that that is just something children do. I have discovered a wonderful thing: we don’t have to outgrow our imaginations, in fact, under the umbrella of God’s grace, our imaginations can grow as we do! God speaks to us through mental pictures, sounds, dreams, in myriad ways as we use our imaginations. A few years ago I was sharing some of my songs in a worship gathering in Athens, Greece. There were twenty-two different languages spoken by the people who had gathered. Though we had translators for 3 of the languages, I only speak English and I was growing frustrated at my inability to communicate.

Then I received an impression from the Holy Spirit: “David, stop talking and tell the people that you are going to just play (not sing) a new song as I inspire you, and I will use the music to whisper to the deep places in the hearts of these people through this new song from Me.” So I obeyed (that’s a BIG part of effectively-being creative) and told the audience to close their eyes and listen for the Voice and the Sounds of God. Then I began to play on the keyboard. (I like that we call it “playing.”) In my mind, my spirit, my imagination, I could hear the music that I believe was inspired from Heaven; and, as best I could reproduced what I heard by moving my fingers on the keyboard. As I finished a musical phrase, I would hear the next one and the music just flowed like that for probably five or six minutes.

It was exciting, fresh and, I believe, supernatural! After that meeting, several came up to me and told me that they had heard the Voice of the Lord speak to them through the music. Some had visions that they shared. One lady told me she saw herself as a little child in a field with other children, dancing and laughing with Jesus. That encounter with imagination and the Holy Spirit inspired me to record a whole ongoing series of spontaneous musical compositions called “FingerPaintings.” Also, as I travel and minister I try to facilitate moments like that in most of my concerts; moments of vulnerability, and opportunity for God to flow through me in a new song. Sometimes I also begin to sing a new song as well.

Psalms say “the streams of God are full of water.” Jesus said, “Whoever believes on Me, out of your innermost being shall flow rivers of living water.” He was speaking about the Holy Spirit Whom Jesus would give to whoever believes in Him. God, the Creator, is the Source of Creativity. God gives us the grace and the faith to wade in the water, realize that He is trustworthy and eventually, with child-like abandon, jump in the River and let the River of Life flow through us! I am not saying, of course, that there is no need to learn an instrument or grow in your ability to paint or learn the basics of dance, or study your preferred means of creative expression.

If I didn’t know how a particular melody or chord could be reproduced on the keyboard, my ability to flow would be very limited. God can (and has) just supernaturally overshadowed someone with no musical ability and given them the ability to play powerfully and beautifully. Most of the time, however, He chooses to work with us and infuse our ability and experience with His grace. As you continue to read, I trust that you will be inspired to practice playing what you hear in your heart, your imagination. Paint what you see with the eyes of your heart. Dance with the Creator of Movement. Write as you are inspired by the Author and Finisher of your faith. Sculpt with the One who holds the mountains and the islands, the sun, moon and stars and your heart in His hands!

Creative In The Image of God” links: Physical book Ebook Audiobook

No Place To Land


David Baroni


IMG_1642“Like a sparrow in its flitting, like a swallow in its flying, a curse that is causeless does not alight.” (Proverbs 26:2)  What causes I have given for a curse to legally land in my life? Unforgiveness is a major one. Here on sabbatical, I have thought about the woundings I have received in my life. Some of them were self-inflicted. I realize that in order to walk free from bitterness, shame, a sense of being a victim, I must forgive others and myself. I cannot do that in my own power. The good news is that I don’t have to!

Jesus has redeemed us from the curse of sin and death, being made a curse for us. He gives us the supernatural ability to forgive others, to forgive ourselves, thus removing any legal right for any curse to land upon us! Today I made a list of major woundings in my life. Not to wallow in the hurt, but to appropriate by faith the forgiveness of Christ through me and to me. The curses, including subliminal self-curses, can’t land on me, they don’t have clearance. No longer a victim, but a victor through the love and power of Jesus!  

Transaction Or Relationship?


David Baroni

 IMG_6764Transaction or Relationship? When my children were younger, if they wanted something and asked me for it, if it was good for them and within my power to do so, I delighted in giving them good things. Those were transactions that flowed out of our relationship. However, if they ignored me except when I could do something for them, that wouldn’t be much of a relationship.

Hmmm… I have been thinking about the difference between seeking God’s hand (and there is definitely a time for that) and looking into His Face; between transaction and relationship. Almost every time I speak or sing I have the listeners repeat this statement: “God, thank You that You have called me into an eternal adventure of intimacy with Christ!” We were rescued by the grace of God to enter and enjoy an eternal love relationship with the Creator of The Universe, The Great Adventurer, the One Who holds it all together.

I don’t want to settle for just asking God to do stuff for me: “Meet my needs, bless my family, give us Your provision and protection, etc…” Now, of course, like me with my daughters, Father God delights in giving us things and blessing us. The greatest blessing, though, is God Himself. We get to hang out with Him, (and IN Him!!), explore with Him, be creative with Him and, sometimes… just sit with Him in companionable silence.                                                   

The gospel is not so much about focusing on the transaction,(Jesus enabling us to be born anew) but the transaction is the entrance point to the eternal adventure of intimacy, relationship, with Jesus! 

Cuckoo Or Not Cuckoo!

Mar 11, 2018

Recently Joy Behar of “The View” caused quite a stir when in talking about Vice-President Mike Pence she opined that speaking to Jesus was one thing, but hearing Jesus talkback was a sign of mental illness; that is “hearing voices.” (With a cuckoo clock chiming in the background, make a rapid motion of your finger circling your ear and roll your eyes:) She has since apologized to the Vice-President. This got me to thinking… One of the tenets of our relationship with God is that it is just that; a relationship. One of the chief characteristics of a relationship is that it involves communication. I talk and listen to my wife often, for example. It is a natural, key component of our relationship.

relationship with God also involves two-way communication. Jesus said, “Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.” Indeed He said, “The words that I speak are spirit and life.” There are also ample examples from scripture, especially the psalms, of the writers speaking to God. (Psalm 40:1: I waited patiently for the Lord and He heard my cry…”) Not only is it not unusual to hear the voice of the Lord, for the believer in Jesus it is absolutely vital! Let me hasten to say that I have never heard the audible voice of God.

There are times when I hear His voice in my spirit and it is much louder than merely audible! Also, if we claim to hear His voice and He “says” something that cannot be validated by Scripture, then we have been mistaken. Obviously this requires faith. Faith that God exists, faith that the Bible is His written Word. Faith that God speaks to people today. That faith is a gift from God. Again the scripture: “Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.” Also Hebrews 11:6: “And without faith, it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek.”

My life depends on my relationship with God. I am glad that I can hear His voice (although, of course, there are times when He seems to be very silent.) And I guess you could say that I’ve lost my mind…and found the mind of Christ!

Faith: The Gift and The Struggle

Apr 17, 2017

IMG_8177As I think about people lately that are struggling with their faith, or even profess to have no faith in God, I am reminded that there is no argument that can effectively convince someone who doesn’t believe to change his or her mind. That’s not to say that faith should be mindless trust. The Bible talks about a transformation that comes by the renewal of our minds, not the removal! The bottom line is that God gives us the grace to believe in Jesus if we will receive that from Him.

Revelation comes from God- or as the Bible says: “Faith comes by hearing and hearing through the Word of Christ.” As I think back to prior to my own conversion experience, I remember how foolish I thought people that really loved and talked about Jesus were. The religious tradition I was raised in seemed (to me at least) to regard a real relationship with God as unnecessary.

Just say the right words and do the things the church said to do and get on with your “real” life. In other words, if Jesus was real (and even then I believed that He was) He wasn’t relevant to real life. Then I met Rita, the woman who became my wife. Though I had encountered genuine believers before, there was something almost tangible about her relationship to Christ. I could tell that God was real, and relevant, to her. Through Rita, I met some other Jesus followers, and though their outward expressions of worship were foreign to me, the love they shared captured my hungry heart. They embodied the truth of the adage, “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” Those folks loved God, each other, and me…and it “took.”

heard the truth of the gospel (The Word of Christ’s love, life, death, resurrection) and confessed my need for a Savior. I was transformed!! If anyone is in Christ he is a new creation, old things are passed away, behold the new has come! Bottom line: The Creator God is a loving Father who wants you and me to be His sons and daughters. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. May you experience God’s love today!

Oct 19, 2016 Matthew 28: 18-20 commonly referred to as “The Great Commission” was never intended to be a task dutifully performed while Jesus is way off in heaven watching with eagle-eyed scrutiny to make sure we do it “right.” Indeed, it is the great CO-MISSION. We are partners with Jesus, who is closer than our own skin through the Holy Spirit in us. Note the last phrase of Matthew 28:20: “And behold, (pay attention to, observe this) I AM WITH YOU ALWAYS, to the end of the age.” This vital mission of the God Who Loves is accomplished, flows out of, the love relationship between God and His family. The Great Co-MissionThe Great Co-Mission The great co-mission flows out of the relationship as outlined in the Great Commandments: Love God with all you are (because He first loved you and gives you the ability to love with His love) and love your neighbor and love yourself. And just to make sure that we don’t attempt to love in our own strength, Jesus says for good measure to love our enemies, something that is impossible without His empowerment. The Presence of Jesus in us by His Spirit proves that heaven has come to earth. Through Jesus life, death, resurrection, ascension and sending the Holy Spirit, now WE are the dwelling place of God…the Living Temple of the Living God!! Old things are passed away, behold, the new has come. New creation has begun and will continue until all things are manifestly summed up in Christ!
Apr 4, 2016 Seeing The Invisible               George Warnock in his great book “The Feast of Tabernacles” describes believers in Jesus, members of the new creation, sons and daughters of the Kingdom of God as those who: “See the invisible, hear the inaudible, hold the intangible, declare the unspeakable, explore the unsearchable and do the impossible.” In Isaiah 35, starting at verse 8 the prophet writes: “And a highway shall be there and it shall be called the Way of Holiness; the unclean shall not pass over it. It shall belong to those who walk on the way; even if they are fools, they shall not go astray.” The apostle Paul found himself in all sorts of perilous predicaments. He did not have a comfortable life in the natural. Yet, he counted it all joy. How could he do that? Because he saw the invisible. Paul realized that there was a deeper reality that transcended the physical realm. It’s not that the physical realm is not real, it’s just that the spiritual reality is “real-er!” How does that relate to you and me today? Jesus Christ didn’t die just to give His life for us, but to give His life to us! Those who have, by faith, received the life that Jesus gives us, live in two realities simultaneously. We live in the natural, physical world and relate to it by our senses- touch, taste, sight, sound and smell. We also live in the spiritual realm, the invisible and we relate to that realm by faith, prayer, worship, delighting in the God Who delights in us, imagination, hearing the voice of God, grounded in the written scripture, led by the Holy Spirit. “For all who are led by the Spirit are sons of God.” (Romans 8:14) Even as kingdoms and nations and systems are being shaken we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken. I want to have my eyes wide open- in the natural and the spiritual. Even in the midst of tough circumstances, we receive the peace that passes understanding, that transcends natural circumstances. There were troubles, conflicts, dangerous and horrific things happening in the days of the early church, yet people were filled with joy because God gave (and gives) grace to see the invisible. There is a God Who loves, full of truth and grace, Who reigns! Hebrews 12:28,29: “Therefore let us be grateful for receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, and thus let us offer to God acceptable worship, with reverence and awe, for our God is a consuming fire.”          
Feb 2, 2016  

This is what the Lord says!

Recently I was surprised by a song that came out of my mouth. “This is what the Lord says, this is what the Lord says, I am pleased with you, I delight in you.” God was singing TO me, THROUGH me. Now the prophetic song is nothing new to me, but the content gave me pause… hmmm Elisha And The DandelionShould I believe that that was God singing? To me? To you? When His grace and love helps me to get past my performance filter (what friend and Bible teacher Dudley Hall calls the “do-to-be” tree) I can hear God sing that to me and believe it because of Who Jesus is in me, and who I am in Jesus! Religion focuses on what we can do to get God’s approval (and it is never enough.) The love of God as demonstrated by Jesus’ life, death, resurrection and ascension tells as many as believe (and He even gives us the grace to believe) that we already have God’s approval. As Leif Hetland says, “orphans live FOR the approval of God, sons live FROM it.” It is not a manifestation of humility to act and live like we don’t please God. On the contrary it could be a manifestation of unbelief, religion, or false humility (pride.) If anyone is in Christ, he or she is a new creation.              “This is what the Lord says, this is what the Lord says, I am pleased with you, I delight in you, I abide in you, I BELIEVE IN YOU!”  
Creative In The Image of God Audiobook! Aug 21, 2015 My new book, “Creative In The Image of God” has been getting great reviews! Now it is available as an audiobook on You can simply go to the link and order the audiobook (playable on any mobile device, laptop, or computer.) You can hear a sample of the audiobook at the link. If you like audiobooks and sign up to audible as a first time member, you can get my book free (as your first selection) and if you continue with you membership, buying at least one audiobook per month for three months, Audible will pay our ministry a $50 “bounty!” Here are links for the ebook and paperback versions of the book. Check out this brief video about the book. Thank you for your prayers and support of my and Rita’s ministry! Godrest and Godspeed, David Baroni
Jul 30, 2015 Creative In The Image Of God!Creative In The Image Of God! “David Baroni is one of the most creative psalmists I’ve met. This book is written from deep unto deep — that is, the depths of creativity in his soul is calling to the creativity in your soul. Don’t just read this book, drink it. Let it awaken new artistry from the depths of your spirit, through the power of the Holy Spirit.”                       Bob Sorge, author, “The free-flowing style of David’s music is like a breath of fresh air to a true worshiper.  This book will encourage the reader to new depths and dimensions of creative worship just like his incredible music!”               Michael Hopkins Pastor, European Missionary I am so pleased to announce the release of my latest book, “Creative In The Image of God.” It contains a treasure trove of my experiences in God. From 30+ years of ministry as a worshipper, songwriter, speaker and most importantly, a child of God, I trust that you will find inspiring, informative, stories of “God-encounters”  transformative spiritual insights. I hope you find that “Creative In The Image of God” will be a valuable addition to your book collection. Also available as an audiobook on Amazon, iTunes,       and the e-book version is on

Liquid Love

A different season, the same faithful God.

May 6, 2015 Liquid Love

Liquid Love

Walked on the beach today-beautiful blue sky, soothing faithful waves, comforting sun on my shoulders and gentle wind on my face. It occurred to me that not that many years ago, I was in a season of pain and struggle. I HAD to walk back then. I walked to quit thinking, to distract myself from emotional turmoil, to do something physical. God was with me then (though sometimes I wondered…) Today it wasn’t like that. I was light, in a different place, a thankful season. Thank You Lord for the waves of Your mercy, grace, joy and faithfulness! Your love is an ocean Your grace like the sea Your faithfulness wave after wave to me Your mercy’s a fountain Your peace like a stream Your joy is a river flowing within me Flowing within me You wash over me like liquid love Through the tears and the rain with Your cleansing Blood| You pour out Your grace in a healing flood And wash over me, You wash over me Like liquid love Sometimes I get thirsty, my spirit so dry Surrounded by desert no clouds in the sky The wind gently whispers and I call your Name I’m suddenly laughing out loud in the rain I dance in the rain! “Liquid Love” David Baroni Copyright © 2015 Kingdomsongs Inc.Our mailing address is: 4005 Corey Ct. Spring Hill TN 37174
Apr 29, 2015 How Beautiful You Are To Me!How Beautiful You Are To Me!               Real humility is knowing what Father God says and thinks about you and me. His affection and confidence in us gives us confidence and humility to be ourselves in Jesus. Don’t be afraid to be your beautiful, powerful self (and don’t listen to the voice that just told you to beware of pride.) One grandmother, attempting to encourage her 4-year-old granddaughter told her, “You are so beautiful!” The little girl matter-of-factly answered her: “I know.” A bit worried that the girl would think too highly of herself, the woman asked, “How do you know you are beautiful?” The little girl said “My Daddy told me!” The little girl didn’t come to that conclusion by staring at herself in the mirror for hours on end, she simply listened and believed the voice of her Father. Hear the Father say to you: “If you knew how beautiful you are, how beautiful you are to me If you knew how beautiful you are You would never be afraid You would never be ashamed You would rest here in my love and you’d never run away If you knew how beautiful you are to me.” “If You Knew” (“If You Knew” David Baroni from “The Wild and The Wonder” (Thanks to Steve Thompson for the illustration and his inspiring teaching)
Apr 24, 2015 Caught up in the whirling culture that always glorifies the next new thing,(and quickly discards and disdains the last next new thing) we are tempted to believe the adage that “the only thing constant is change.” It is true that there are relentless, breathtaking and at times, eerie technological and cultural changes; however there are some things that just do not change. Chief among them: the nature and character of God. His steadfast love endures forever. That was the song of the children of Israel and we see it often repeated throughout scripture. Change can be healthy and is often necessary of course, but I am glad that His deep deep Love never fails, never changes! Deep Deep Love Constant In The Whirl
Jan 5, 2015 Abundance“You crown the year with your bounty; your wagon tracks overflow with abundance. The pastures of the wilderness overflow, the hills gird themselves with joy,”  Psalm 65:11,12a Jesus said, “I came that they might have life and have it abundantly.” So what is abundant life? What is abundance? The ways of God, the ways of the kingdom, are counterintuitive to the natural man. Indeed, the scripture says that the things of the Spirit are foolishness to the natural man (folly) because they are spiritually discerned. For example, Jesus said, “When you lose your life for my sake, then you will find it.” Because the world has been turned upside down, the “rightside-up” life of those who have received the abundant life of Jesus looks upside down, even ridiculous, to the people who are only living in one realm, the natural one. As followers of Jesus, the children of the kingdom are aware that we live in two realms, the physical and the spiritual, simultaneously. So what does all this have to do with abundance? I am glad you asked! Many times we think of abundance  in terms of finances and possessions. That can be one manifestation of abundance,  but there are so many more evidences of abundant life that have little to do with material things. How about family relationships? Healthy marriages? Health? Abundant life also includes the peace that transcends circumstances (when life gets hard,  money is tight,  when marriage and health concerns try to rob us of joy).  Abundance that merely focuses on the outward is just not real abundant life that Jesus came to give us. There is a love, there is a life that is stronger than death itself. In Psalms 22, David is in the Spirit of Christ when he writes about those who “pierced his hands and his feet. ” By the way, he wrote this hundreds of years before crucifixion was adopted as a means of execution.  He cried out the words that Jesus would later groan from the cross, “My God, my God why have you forsaken me?”  There are times in life where there are no easy answers,  and the usual cliches, spoken by well-meaning people, ring hollow and false. There are times when people we love and pray earnestly for are not healed and they die. There are times of temptation to hopelessness. Seasons of grief  are part of life. But not even death can kill abundant life. Jesus was not utterly abandoned by His Father;  he only felt that way for a brief time. Then, Death was swallowed up in Life, in Victory, in Resurrection Life. Now that Life, that abundant Life is given to us through Jesus Christ. That Life can never be taken away. Indeed our very lives are like the wagon tracks of the bounty of God. He overflows into us and we overflow into others. By His grace, as we look into the Face of Jesus, we are living the abundant life!
Real Joy! Dec 26, 2014 Real Joy! The fear of the Lord … is joy! Thinking logically about the fear of the Lord leads me to conclude that to have that fear would make me uptight, conscious of not wanting to make a mistake, living actually with the dread of disapproval. The mindset of the Kingdom of God, however, is just the opposite. The fear of the Lord produces delight, yes joy! Let me explain: A few nights ago, our church worship team was rehearsing a Christmas Sunday morning service. While we were practicing a soulful, joyful version of “Hallelujah” from Handels’ Messiah, one of the team members’ daughters was watching from the audience and stood up and began dancing- full out, unselfconsciously, blissfully moving to the upbeat music. She waved her hands and swayed back and forth and even mouthed the words totally oblivious to the fact that some of us were watching her with delight. That’s the joy I’m talking about that the fear of the Lord produces. Many times I am way too self-conscious, uptight, afraid of making a mistake. I don’t like that about myself. I mentioned this to Rita and she replied: “You think?!” So, I thought about times when I am not that way, when I am unselfconscious and filled with joy. It happens a lot when I play music. I get totally absorbed in the sound, in the song, in the music and, like Eric Bannister said in Chariots of Fire about his running, I can say that when I play I feel God’s pleasure. I think that is why some people get drunk. So that they can have a few moments of freedom from self-consciousness. We can easily forget how much we are loved by God. So how can we be reminded? By living in the fear of the Lord, the awareness that God is with us and that His Father heart is for us. The fear of the Lord is having a reverence for His Presence and acknowledging that He is the pre-eminent Source of life, love, justice, righteousness, peace and joy. Being filled with His Spirit and Word. Jesus said, “Except you be converted (transformed) and become as a little child you cannot see the Kingdom of God.” So, like the beautiful, joyful daughter at our Christmas rehearsal we can be aware of the incredible love of God. We are free to dance like nobody’s watching and love like we’ve never been hurt. By the grace of God we can be present in the present in His Presence.
The River Of God Nov 11, 2014 The River of God Carry The River That’s Carrying Us!      Everything will live where the River goes…      John saw the River of life flowing in Rev. 22, Ezekiel saw the same River flowing from the Throne of God. In John 7: 37-39a Jesus said:      ”If anyone is thirsty let him come to Me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, ‘Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.’” “Now this he said about the Spirit, whom those who believed in him were to receive.”      That River of God lives in us, and we carry the river of God’s life and love and fruitfulness and life-giving power everywhere we go. We can express that river in a lot of ways, a good way is to SING the river. By the Holy Spirit sing to the broken and empty, sing to the barren places of your life, sing to your children, finances, pastors and leaders, marriages.      Carry the River of God, let the River of God carry you, sing the River of God, let the River of God sing you!

Enjoy this song “Run To The River.” Just for fun, here is a songwriting video with the “story behind the song!”      
Thank you for your encouragement about our ministry!      
In His Love, David Baroni
    Everything will live where the River goes!  
Sep 15, 2014 Dreaming And FlyingDreaming And Flying When I was a child I used to dream that I was able to fly. It seemed so real; the sensation of the wind in my face, the excitement of looking down at the houses and trees in my neighborhood, the feeling of moving fast through the air without the limitations of being earthbound. Sometimes I actually believed I was close to achieving a certain focus that would enable me to close my eyes, spread out my arms and take flight! Alas, those dreams were a long time ago, before adulthood, responsibilities, disappointments, pain, the hard work that living sometimes seems to be. However, there is still a seed of hope in me and lately it’s growing again! In “The Lion King,” Simba, the young lion cub, begins to grow up and becomes aware that something primal is missing in his life. You see, he was destined to become the Lion King in place of his father, Mufasa, but because of the deceit of his wicked uncle Skar, Simba believed he had caused the death of his father and he ran away. Simba believed a lie and because of fear and shame gave up on his dream of being the Lion King. He stopped believing he could fly. One night, when his identity crisis had reached its breaking point, Simba heard the voice of his Father from the sky saying “you have forgotten who you are and you’ve forgotten me,” and, my favorite line: “you are more than you’ve become.” Our Heavenly Father is saying the same thing to his people. We are more than we’ve become. He is not saying it reproachfully, but in a loving and empowering way. If anyone is in Christ, he or she is a new species, a new creation. We were created to fly; not just in the sweet bye and bye, but here… now. By the grace of God we see the invisible, we hear the inaudible, we explore the unsearchable, we declare the unspeakable.  Through the Holy Spirit we live in two realities at the same time: the physical world and the spiritual realm. As a new species in Jesus, we can dream again, His dream for us is much grander and nobler (and at times, harder, but so worth it) than our dreams without Him. Indeed, dream because the God who knows you the best has put dreams in your heart. So, spread your wings, live your dreams, catch the sky and fly! Youtube video: “Fly” (David Baroni from “The Wild and The Wonder”) download “The Wild and The Wonder” from iTunes: order physical CD The Wild and The Wonder:
Seeing Through God’s Eyes Aug 28, 2014 Rita and I were guest ministers at a youth ministry a few years ago and when we led a time of praise and worship, the Lord settled upon the whole group of us in a restful, peaceful way. There was such a sense of His rest and acceptance. Then it was time for the group to have their prayer and intercession time. Almost immediately, they began to shout and be aggressive as they prayed. There is, of course, a time for intense intercession and prayer. This, however, was not it, in my opinion. I heard the voice of the Lord say this: “If you could see you as I see you, it would free you to be you. Then, you would know Me, for I will show you Who I AM and who you are.” Winkie Pratney, a wonderfully gifted, passionate teacher and preacher, almost died of a serious illness a few years ago. As he hovered very near death, he relates, through tears, that he had an experience where he “saw the world through Jesus’ eyes.” He has profoundly changed from that encounter. (We thank the Lord that Winkie is alive and well.) To love God with all our hearts, love our neighbor as ourselves; these are the two greatest commandments.                                                                   My prayer is threefold: God, help me see You as You are (and thank you that is possible through Jesus Christ!) This, of course, is not just a one-time encounter, it’s an ongoing relationship. God, thank You that you have called us into an eternal adventure of intimacy through Christ! Lord, help me see myself as You see me. Many of us have believed things about ourselves that simply aren’t true, though, because of abuse or our own sin they feel true. Jesus sets us free to be who we really are! We show forth the life and love of Jesus by believing Him and being ourselves in Christ! Father, help me to see others as You see them. Give us the grace to love without condition. in fact, live and love through us, Lord. We can’t do this in our own strength or goodness. The beauty of the gospel is that in Christ we are a new species. Live and love through us Lord! “IF YOU KNEW” If you knew how beautiful you are, how beautiful you are to me                                                                                                                                                                                                                   If you knew how beautiful you are  You would never be afraid, you would never be ashamed You would rest here in My love and you’d never run away If you knew how beautiful you are to Me If you knew how beautiful they are, how beautiful they are to me If you knew how beautiful they are You would run into my world, you would love them with my heart You would teach them how to trust and you’d show them who they are If you knew how beautiful they are to me We want to know You Lord, we want to show You to the world Help us see You and see ourselves, see others through Your Eyes   (David Baroni, Kingdomsongs Inc./ CCLI)  
Jul 29, 2014 I AM SO PUMPED to be recording a new vocal album, my first major production in 11 years. We are in the middle of a Kickstarter campaign to raise the support to finish this album well. You can find out more at this link This project features strong, God-breathed songs with great musicians, singers and co-writers. A gifted young friend, Galen Crew, is doing the mixing. It has been amazing how the Holy Spirit has inspired the personnel, the songs and the arrangements. I am stirred more deeply than I have been in a long time with the conviction that these songs will convey the love of our Father God to people desperately in need of knowing His Heart for them. Here is a sneak preview of “If You Knew” and “Our Best Days.” Join with us in prayer and consider being a backer. As of this writing we are a bit over 60% of our goal of $3500 with 18 days to go. The campaign ends Aug.16th and we will use any funds over our project budget towards our ministry in the nations. God bless you! Excited about the new album! Excited about the new album!
Better Than We Thought! Jun 28, 2014 The gospel is not only good news, it’s much better news than we thought. Psalms 67 opens with this prayer:  ”May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face to shine upon us, Selah, that your way may be known on earth, your saving power among all nations.” God’s plan for the nation of Israel was to show His goodness, display His glory, His character, Who He is, through His blessing upon that chosen nation…SO that all the families of the earth would recognize and acknowledge God and come to know Him, and be His people too. (In Abraham all the families of the earth shall be blessed.) Of course, this was the Old Covenant plan, which God knew all along was just a foreshadowing of His ultimate plan: To reconcile the world to Himself through Jesus Christ. The fantastic news of the Gospel is that now, through Jesus’ incarnation, life as a man dependent on His Heavenly Father, gathering disciples and being with them and demonstrating to them Who the Father is (as Jesus told Philip: “If you have seen Me, you have seen the Father… the Father and I are one”) and through His obedience unto death, bodily resurrection, ascension and sending the Holy Spirit, those who believe Him receive not just a new covenant, but a new NATURE! God walked and talked with Adam; through Christ, He walks and talks IN us. He is not only Emmanuel- God with us, He is God IN us! The same goal that God had for Israel; to show through them to the nations Who God really is and to be their God, is fulfilled in Christ and those, Jew and Gentile, who have received the new nature through Him. “If anyone is in Christ he is a NEW CREATION, old things are passed away, behold new things have come.” (2nd Cor. 5:7) Let’s take a look at this incredible passage in John 17:  (Emphasis mine)Jesus prays: “I do not ask for these only (the disciples with Him) but also for those who will believe in me through their word, that they may all be one, just as you, Father are IN me and I IN you, that they also may be one IN us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me. …I  IN them and you IN me that they may become perfectly one, so that the world may know that you have sent me and loved them even as you loved me.” Believers in Jesus are not just people who have trusted Christ for forgiveness of sins and are on their way to heaven when they die, indeed that is part of the gospel, but just a part of this wondrous plan of God. We are actually, by faith through God’s grace, made into a new species! We have received the very life of GOD! We are one with Him by His love to the purpose of showing others who don’t believe yet, how good and loving and wonderful God is.  It’s a whole new world, a whole new life, so much better than the old covenant. It’s like trading an old rusty bicycle for warp speed on the Enterprise. So… let’s quit pedaling that old bike and enter in to the Life of God in the Holy Spirit! We were born for such a time as this. Romans 8:19 “For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of God.” We were born (again) to work the works of Jesus, to let Him live in and through us. Let God arise in His people and show forth the love of Jesus to a needy and hungry world by letting Him live, speak, give, work, heal, sing, preach, touch, smile, pray, befriend, deliver, teach through us! What a gospel!      
“Piano Praying” and “Once Upon A Sunset” May 26, 2014 I have recently completed two instrumental music projects: “Piano Praying” and “Once Upon A Sunset.” Piano Praying has just over an hour of  new compositions starting with “Morning Prayer” and is perfect for quiet time, soft dinner music, and the title describes the music very well, it’s piano praying!  I was talking with my friend Robin Smith, who with me and several others are the leaders of the Franklin Prayer House. He suggested that I do a prayer music CD. Of course, I have several instrumentals that serve that purpose very well, but this album is the first one that is specifically designed for that purpose. Hope you enjoy it. You can order the physical CD or get the mp3s from Cdbaby, iTunes and  Here is a youtube video of Entering The Gates. Once Upon A Sunset is a first. I wrote and recorded 10 new songs with a “kingdom jazz” flavor. My friend Morris Chapman had some nice things to say, unsolicited by me, but greatly appreciated: “David, I am not saying this just because we are friends, this is one of your best CD’S. I hope a lot of people get to hear and experience what I felt today. Tea Truck #5 is off the charts. Every cut is wonderful….brought out the writer in me as I was listening!” Psalm 32:7 Papa Morris Here are the links to download from CDbaby, iTunes and Amazon. You can order the physical CD here and here is a youtube video of the song inspired by my grandchildren: “Tea Truck”.                                                                                                                                                                                                       Rita and I would appreciate you spreading the word about this new music! Godrest and Godspeed, David Baroni Note: Order from whichever download service you prefer, however I want you to know that you will benefit our music ministry the most if you purchase your digital download by making your purchase thru CD links. These mp3s are compatible with iTunes or any music player.  
Grace For Change Apr 22, 2014      Jesus calls us and graces us to walk in newness of life. We can’t fully express and appreciate His Life in us if we insist on operating from old mindsets. T.D. Jakes says: “Your experience may be a liability because you are used to God operating one way.”       God is the God of creativity, of wonder, of adventure, of mystery. One Who doesn’t always work the way we are used to because He knows how easy it is for us to trust in a method instead of Him! Don’t misunderstand, God is consistently good, He is not capricious or arbitrary, but His heart for us, His plan, is SO much grander than we can imagine.      The good news?      God gives us grace to change, to be conformed to His image as we behold Jesus Christ by faith. We have been given the mind of Christ, the Life of Christ and the grace to lean not to our own understanding, but acknowledging Him in all things, He will direct our paths. He even gives us the peace that transcends understanding, peace regardless of circumstances. We don’t have to stay locked in old mindsets, ways of reacting, imprisoned by the memories of the unjust treatment we may have received (or given) in the past. He makes all things new! By the way, I am speaking to myself today, if any of this applies to you, you are welcome to it too! Let’s receive again this Word: “For this reason I bow my knees before the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth is named that according to the riches of his glory he may grant you to be strengthened with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith—that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God. Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.” Ephesians 3: 14-20 ESV
Apr 2, 2014       The Birth of FIngerPaintingsThe Birth of FingerPaintings A few years ago I was sharing some of my songs in a worship gathering in Athens, Greece. There were twenty-two different languages spoken by the people who had gathered. Though we had translators for 3 of the languages, I only speak English and I was growing frustrated at my inability to communicate. Then I received an impression from the Holy Spirit: “David, stop talking, and tell the people that you are going to just play (not sing) a new song as I inspire you, and I will use the music to whisper to the deep places in the hearts of these people through this new song from Me.”      So I obeyed (that’s a BIG part of effectively being creative) and told the folks to close their eyes and listen for the Voice and the Sounds of God.Then I began to play on the keyboard. (I like that we call it “playing.”) In my mind, my spirit, my imagination, I could hear the music that I believe was inspired from Heaven; and, as best I could, reproduced what I heard by moving my fingers on the keyboard. As I finished a musical phrase, I would hear the next one and the music just flowed like that for probably five or six minutes. It was exciting, fresh and, I believe, supernatural!      After that meeting, several came up to me and told me that they had heard the Voice of the Lord speak to them through the music. Some had visions that they shared. One lady told me she saw herself as a little child in a field with other children, dancing and laughing with Jesus. That encounter with imagination and the Holy Spirit inspired me to record a whole ongoing series of spontaneous musical compositions called  FingerPaintings. Now as I travel and minister I try to facilitate moments like that in most of my concerts; moments of vulnerability and opportunity for God to flow through me in a new song.
Mar 4, 2014      I was born into this world as a baby, a boy, a son. About three years later, I wasn’t a baby anymore ( except about some things.) Sometime along my journey the boy was no longer, and I became a man. I met a wonderful young lady and I became a husband. Then, within a few years three beautiful girls called me their father. One of those girls had babies, and now I am also a grandfather. Got the list? Baby, Boy, Son, Man, Husband, Father, Grandfather. As time goes by some of the designations won’t apply. I’m not a baby and I am not a little boy anymore.     I thank God for all the descriptions I have had in my life, and though I believe that my roles as husband, father and grandfather have eternal significance, I know that one day and forever I will simply and profoundly be what I started life as: a Son. (1 John 3:1 (ESV) See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are.) 4 generations4 generations
Feb 25, 2014 centuries of searching, the ARK HAS BEEN FOUND! Noah’s Ark? Nope. The long lost Ark of The Covenant? Not that either. What ark then? The Ark of the New Covenant! In the movie, “Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark,” there was a dramatic scene toward the end of the movie when the bad guys found and opened the ark of the covenant. Since they were illicitly handling the ark, they were punished by death (and the special effects depicting their destruction were not for the faint of heart.) To the children of Israel in the old covenant, the ark, an elaborate box constructed as directed by God through Moses, was the place that God chose to manifest His Presence. Inside the ark were three items of special significance: Aaron’s rod that budded, the tablets of the law and a pot of manna. As wondrous, sacred and precious as the Ark of the Covenant was, it was just a shadow of the heavenly realty that Jesus’s incarnation, life as a man yielded to His Father, death, resurrection and ascension attained for the children of faith. Some are still searching for the missing ark but there is a far greater Ark that exists today: The Ark of the New Covenant, the children of God through faith in Jesus, the Body of Christ! He is the Life of the Body. It’s the great mystery that has been revealed by the Spirit and the Word of God. Christ in us the hope of glory! We are the ark of the new covenant The Presence of the Mighty God abides in us We have been made holy by the Blood of the Lamb We are the Living Temple of the Great I Am We live, yet not us for it is Jesus Who abides And we’re called to show His glory to the nations A living temple walking in His Spirit and His Life We give ourselves to God in blissful consecration We are His Holy Nation Jesus is our manna, He’s our daily Bread Aaron’s rod bears fruit and blossoms in our praises Oh the glory of the law of love now written in our hearts Not a temple made with hands, we are a new creation Proclaiming His salvation We are the ark of the new covenant The Presence of the Mighty God abides in us We have been made holy by the Blood of the Lamb We are the Living Temple of the Great I Am (David Baroni, George Searcy) click the play button to hear the song    
The Brooding Feb 10, 2014

The Brooding

“…and darkness was upon the face of the deep and the Spirit of God brooded over the darkness” (paraphrase Genesis 1:2) In the beginning of creation God started with Himself and… nothing. Some translations say darkness was upon the face of the deep. Some say that the earth was without form and void, barren, chaos. …and the Spirit of God hovered, moved, brooded over the barrenness… nothingness… chaos… emptiness. Then God said, “Let there be light and there was light.” In the story of creation in the book of Genesis, the book of beginnings, there is a wonderful picture of God Who is a community in Himself. The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit have always existed in a perfect relationship of love, intimacy, harmony and humility. See the wondrous cooperation of the Trinity in the first 3 verses of Genesis: The Spirit of God was brooding over the darkness, waiting… Waiting for The Father to speak. To send His Word, The Son. So the Father sends the Son to the Spirit who applies the Word to the darkness and the darkness gives way to the Light. Chaos gives way to Divine Order. Barrenness gives way to the fruitfulness of the Creator. Isaiah 54 says, “Rejoice O barren, you who have not had children. Sing for joy, for more shall be the children of the barren than those of the married wife.” This speaks to our refusal to trust in our own sufficiency and our dependence on God who creates out of nothing. He gives beauty for ashes, gets glory from dust Makes a garment of praise from the armor of rust Turns bondage to dancing, through weakness makes strong Turns the wail of the mourner to the victory song IMG_2817(from “Glorify the Lord” David Baroni) I have good news for you. If there are barren places in your life, if you feel afraid or maybe you feel numb, or there are situations filled with chaos or darkness, the Spirit of God is brooding (like a mother hen over her eggs) over that darkness. God has sent His Word to you and will even give you the grace of faith to respond like Mary did “Lord, Let it be done to me according to Your Word.” Light arises in the darkness and the desert will blossom as a rose, for Your Maker is your husband. Do you feel The Brooding?
Overcome Jan 29, 2014 When a lot of you read the title of this post, perhaps you thought of the word “overcome” as an exhortation to perform in such as a way as to achieve victory. Work harder, pray enough, trust more, etc. Well, that is the furthest from my mind as I write this. It wearies me to even think in those terms, though I was a prisoner of depending on my own efforts for many years and still fall into that trap if not reminded, yes even  overcome, by the gospel. My good friend Dudley Hall compares a legalistic emphasis on performance to what he calls the “do-to-be” tree.  If we will (do this) then God will…  When Adam and Eve sinned, into mankind entered the staggering weight of self-sufficiency. As another preacher friend, Adrian Varlack., puts it: “Before the fall, man had no self preservation instinct.” Indeed, because of the Presence of a loving Heavenly Father Who provided everything that man needed, self-sufficiency wasn’t even thought about. Thanks be to God for the beauty of the gospel! God in His love is the Initiator, and He even gives us the power to respond to Him and to the good news appropriately. Jesus has overcome and when I think about His love, His grace and power and acceptance revealed to me through the Cross, the resurrection and His sometimes tangible Presence in my life… I am overcome! Last week Rita and I were in Grand Rapids, MI, ministering and sharing songs and laughs with dear friends John and Donna Chisum. I had some time at the piano and was inspired, and overcome, by the Presence of the Lord as He gave me this song. It’s quickly become very dear to my heart and I hope it will encourage you in the Love of God as well. It’s called “Overcome.” (click the link for a youtube video of an unplugged version of the song.) Italy Beach Sunset               “OVERCOME” Gentle Jesus meek and mild Heaven’s Lion fierce and wild Watching for this wand’ring child To welcome me back home So strong and yet so tenderly You run again to rescue me When You reveal Your heart for me I am overcome Overwhelmed and overflowing Overcome by the knowing That God the Savior is my friend I am overcome When youth has long forsaken me I hope that those who look still see Your light within my eyes Where does this kind of love come from? I was an orphan now I’m a son When I remember all You’ve done I am overcome Overwhelmed and overflowing Overcome by the knowing That God the savior is my friend I am overcome “Overcome” Words and Music by David Baroni/2014  Kingdomsongs Inc./BMI/CCLI               
Put Down Those Oars! Jan 18, 2014 “Put Down Those Oars!” oarImagine yourself in a canoe floating down a stream that is flowing in the direction you want to go. All you have to do is sit in the canoe for awhile, admiring the scenery, waving at the fellow boaters, delighting in the sight of a fish leaping gleefully in front of you. You smell the sweetness from the fragrant trees on the shore. Perhaps you are enjoying a cool drink and a bite to eat. The current and the boat cooperate marvelously to facilitate this journey. You are resting, yet still making good progress toward your destination. How foolish it would be to suddenly grab a paddle and begin to over-exert yourself with stroking, thinking that it takes your effort to complete the journey. Welcome to the world of the Believer who is unwittingly serving God in his (her) own strength. As author Major Ian Thomas says in his wonderful book, “The Saving Life of Christ”: “Serving God in our own strength is like someone giving us a fine automobile. We receive the gift thankfully, then proceed to get behind it and push it where we want to go! We are sincere, we are going in the right direction, and we are… exhausted! Why? Because the automobile was never designed to operate properly by being pushed!” (my paraphrase) And we were not created to live the Christian life in our own strength. As the Apostle Paul said, “I live, nevertheless not I, but Christ Who lives in me!” Jesus is the Christian Life. Put down those oars!